Viewing CAD Document Template Information
Use the following procedure to view the information page of a CAD document template:
1. Access the Templates table under the context where the CAD document template was created.
2. Select CAD Document Templates from the template menu next to the Templates table title.
3. From the right-click actions menu for the template you want to view, select View Information (you can also click the information icon in the template’s row.
4. From the information page, you can view the template's name, description, type, creation date, last modified date, and status as well as perform the actions against the template that are described in the CAD Document Template Actions table.
5. To return to the Templates page, click the Templates link at the top of the page.
The following table describes the actions you may see in the Actions menu that is on a CAD document template information page.
CAD Document Template Actions
Open in
Allows you to view the content of the CAD document template from within Creo Parametric.
This action is only available if you are accessing the Templates table from the embedded Creo Parametric browser.
View in
Allows you to view the content of the CAD document template from within Creo View.
Edit Attributes
Presents a window for editing the attributes associated with the document template. Only the owner of the template can perform this action.
Edit Association
Allows you to associate the CAD document template with an enterprise part or modify an existing association. Use this action when you have a template that describes the CAD-related information for the enterprise part.
Allows you to create a new revision of the template. Only the owner of the template can perform this action.
Allows you to access the creation windows for objects related to the template object. Among the new object types are the following:
Problem Report
Change Request
Promotion Request
Interference Detection Definition
Allows you to change values of Number, Name, and Model Name attributes of a CAD document template. Only the owner of the template can perform this action.
Set State
Allows you to set the life cycle state for the CAD document template. Only the owner of the template can perform this action.
Allows you to export the model file associated with the template.
Allows you to delete the template. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the template. Only the owner of the template can perform this action.
Reassign Life Cycles
Presents the Reassign Life Cycle window allowing you to modify life cycle information.
Add to Workspace
Presents the Save As user interface.
Use this action to update workspace objects or to add objects from Windchill to your workspace. The files associated with the objects can optionally be transferred to your local disk for read access by you.
Check In
Allows you to save changes made to a template and releases your control of the template so that others can check it out.
If you want to check in updated content for the CAD document template, you must be accessing the Templates table from the embedded Creo Parametric browser.
This action is only available if the template is currently checked out.
Check Out
Marks the template as checked out so that others cannot check it out and allows you download either just the CAD document template metadata or both the metadata and the template content. You select what you want to download from the checkout page.
You can download the template content only if you are accessing the Templates table from the embeddedCreo Parametric browser.
This action is only available if the template is currently checked in.
Undo Checkout
Releases your control over the template without saving any changes you made to a working version.
This action is only available if the template is currently checked out.
Save As
Allows you to copy a checked-in CAD document template and store it as new object.
Allows you to move a CAD document template. Only the owner of the template can perform this action.
Add to Project
Allows you to add the CAD document template to a project.
This action is only available when Windchill ProjectLink is installed.
Send to PDM
Allows you to send a copy of the CAD document template to a product or library context.
Allows you to subscribe to the CAD document template.
Allows you to copy the CAD document template to the clipboard.
Allows you to locate another CAD document template and compare the current template with the one you located.
Add to My Notebook
Allows you to add the CAD document template to a folder location in your notebook.
For more information on using any of the actions that are available from a CAD document template details page, click the help icon in the window that opens after you have selected the action.
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