Versioning Scheme Properties
The versioning scheme summarized in the preceding overview is a Harvard series. A Harvard series is made up of one or more subseries and is typically depicted as a stream of values delimited by a dot (for example, 1.1, 1.3.5, A.A.B,, and so on). The default Harvard series versioning scheme is set up using two sets of properties: wt.series.HarvardSeries and wt.series.MulticharacterSeries.
These properties are described in the following topics:
wt.series.HarvardSeries Properties
wt.series.MulticharacterSeries Properties
wt.series.IntegerSeries Properties
Additionally, there are topics on creating a new versioning scheme with an additional multicharacter series.
You can also accommodate legacy characters in your versioning scheme.
wt.series.HarvardSeries Properties
All of the Harvard series versioning schemes use the following entries in the file:
The delimiter entry specifies the character that is used to separate version identifiers. For example, the following line is the default setting and it indicates that a period (.) is used to separate identifiers:
The depth entry specifies the number of levels supported by the series. For example, the following line is the default setting and it indicates that the series supports sixteen levels of version identifiers:
Using either the simple alphabetic scheme or the standard integer scheme (or a combination of the two), you can specify the scheme to use at each level in the following set of properties:
wt.series.HarvardSeries.level.<max level number>
Where <max level number> is the depth of the series specified in the wt.series.HarvardSeries.depth property.
The various level entries specify the series that is used for each level of identifier. The level entries can have one of the following values:
A multicharacter series uses alphabetical characters (A, B, C, and so on) to increment the version identifiers. An integer series uses numbers (1, 2, 3, and so on) to increment the version identifiers as defined in wt.series.IntegerSeries.
For example, the following line is the default setting and it indicates that the first level uses a multicharacter series:
If you do not specify a series for each level up to the number specified in the depth entry, the levels you have specified repeat.
File-based and state-based versioning schemes use the wt.series.HarvardSeries.delimiter and wt.series.HarvardSeries.depth properties, as described previously, to set the delimiter used in the version identifier and number of levels supported. These schemes do not use the wt.series.HarvardSeries.level property. The values for each level are defined in the versioning XML file that is loaded. For additional information about file-based and state-based versioning, see Setting Up a Versioning Scheme.
wt.series.MulticharacterSeries Properties
The default multicharacter series is defined in, as follows:
These properties specify the alphabetical series summarized in the overview (for example, A, B, ..., Z; AA, AB, ..., AZ; AAA, AAB, ..., AAZ). You can change these defaults by editing the properties using the xconfmanager Utility.
wt.series.IntegerSeries Properties
The default integer series is defined in, as follows:
These properties specify an integer series that starts with 1, increments by 1, and goes to a maximum of 2147483647. You can change these defaults by editing the properties using the xconfmanager Utility.
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