Versioning Scheme Rule Content
Changes to versioning schemes are made by adding or modifying object initialization rules in the context where you want the change to be in effect. The versioning scheme is set in the MBA|versionInfo attribute and the algorithm defined for parts, documents, and change objects using the following format:
<!-- set the version using the default HarvardSeries -->
<AttrValue id="MBA|versionInfo"
The actual versioning scheme is set in the argument. In this example, the argument is wt.series.HarvardSeries, which then uses the standard alphabetic scheme set up using the wt.series.HarvardSeries properties.
To set a different versioning scheme, change the argument to the newly defined series. For example, to use the state-based versioning series named StateBased that is initially set up for you, use the following format:
<!-- set the version using the HarvardSeries.StateBased -->
<AttrValue id="MBA|versionInfo"
<Arg> wt.series.HarvardSeries.StateBased </Arg>
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