Editing a Note
When editing a note, you can modify the note text and attachments. If you edit a note that has been added to another part, your changes affect all instances of that note.
To edit a note, you must have permission to check out the note. However, you are not required to check out the part to which the note is associated. For more information, see Understanding Data Accessibility.
To edit a note:
1. In the Notes table, click the edit icon next to the note.
Locate the note in the Folder Contents table. From the right-click actions menu, select Edit.
Navigate to the note information page. From the Actions menu, select Edit.
The Edit Note window opens, and the note is automatically checked out to you.
2. Under the Set Attributes step, you can modify existing content in the Note Text field.
Click Next.
3. Under the Set Attachments step, use the Attachments table to add, remove, or modify existing attachments. For more information, see Editing an Attachment.
4. Click Check In to apply your changes and check in the note.
Click Save to apply your changes and keep the note checked out.
The availability of the Save action depends on the preferences set at your site. For more information, see Preference Management.
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