Posting Draft Comments
Once you enter text for a discussion comment, you have the option of saving that comment as a draft. The draft is saved in the Discussions table and is only visible to you until you either delete it or post it for others to view. Drafts can include attachments and links.
You cannot save drafts of discussion topics, but you can save a comment draft if adding a comment from the New Topic window. The topic is posted and available to other users, but your comment remains only viewable by you.
1. Click the edit comment icon next to a comment draft or select Edit Comment from the right-click actions menu.
2. Modify or add text and, if desired, any attachments or links included with your comment. For more information, see Creating Comments.
3. Click Finish to save your changes and post your comment to the discussion.
Click Save Draft to save your changes without posting the comment.
You can continue to edit a draft without posting it, but once a comment is posted you are unable to edit it further. If necessary, you can later delete your posted comments.
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