Specialized Administration > Office Online System Configuration > Configuring Microsoft Office Online
Configuring Microsoft Office Online
Windchill Add-in for Office Online is installed for integrating Windchill with Microsoft Office Online. For more details on Windchill Office Online add-in installation, see Installing the Windchill Office Online Add-In.
Windchill and Office 365 Online is configured over HTTPS.
File Download Mechanism preference is set to Open Office files in Office Online.
Pop-up blocker is disabled in your browser settings.
For more details on Office Online integration, refer Windchill Office Online Integration. After the Windchill Office Online Add-in is deployed and published, the following Windchill actions appear in the Windchill tab in Office Online applications:
Office Online Application
Available Windchill Actions
New Document, Check In, Check Out, Undo Checkout, View Information
New Document, Check In, Check Out, Undo Checkout, View Information
New Document
For more information on Windchill actions in Office Online integration, see Windchill Office Online Menu Actions.
There is no Simplified Ribbon option in Excel. Windchill actions toolbar appears only when the ribbon is Simplified. For more information on customizing Windchill tab in Microsoft Office, see Customize the Windchill tab in Microsoft Office.
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