Analysis Activities Table
You can view the analysis activities associated with a change proposal or change investigation. The Analysis Activities table displays the analysis activities.
Column Information
The columns available in the Analysis Activities table give you specific information about the associated analysis activities. Columns such as Number, Actions, Name, State, Last Modified, and Modified By may appear by default.
The Analysis Activities table may contain the following from the actions drop-down list:
View Information
Displays the information page for the analysis activity.
Edit Access Control
Opens the Edit Access Control window, displaying the Access table from which you can modify the permission set.
Edit Security Labels
Opens the Edit Security Labels window, displaying the current security label value settings and allowing you to modify the settings.
Opens the Rename window, allowing you to rename the analysis activity.
Opens the Move window, allowing you to transfer all versions of the analysis activity to a different product or library.
Opens the Subscribe window, allowing you to subscribe to certain events.
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