Setting a Life Cycle State
If you have the appropriate permissions, you can set the life cycle state of an object (and any associated objects) to any of the states available in the life cycle assigned to the object, regardless of state sequence, if you have a transition path to another state. For more information on the required permissions, see Planning Object State Change Policies.
To set the state of an object:
1. Select the workspace objects for which you want to set the life cycle state and then select Edit > Set State.
You can also initiate the set state action from other places in Windchill by selecting the Set State action from an Actions menu. These places include an object's information page; the Folder browser for products, libraries, projects, and programs; the Change Notice Summary table; or the Change Task information page.
The Set State page appears. Objects you selected, and any collected by the default collection rules, are listed in the Object List table. For more information on basic table use, sorting, using and customizing views, and finding strings in the table listing, see the Windchill Help Center topics, “Using Tables” and “Customizing Table Views.”
2. You can use the Configuration menu and the collection tools to modify the collection of objects in the Object List table. For more information, see Collecting in Advanced Mode.
3. The Object List tool bar contains actions to be performed on objects in the Object List which are selected by checking the box in the left-most column of the row. You can select all objects in the object list by clicking the All checkbox at the top of the left-most column. The actions available are listed and described in the following table:
Increment State
Promotes (increments the life cycle state by one) all selected objects on the object list
When a selection contains objects that cannot be promoted because they have reached their final state, an error message is displayed in a pop-up window. Increment state is done in relation to the current database state (the value in the State column).
Reset (state)
Resets the target state of the selected objects back to the database state
Terminate Processes
(Administrators only) Toggles the value of the Related Processes column for any of the selected objects in the list to either Continue or Terminate
Reset Collection
Resets the object collection to the default collection (removing any collections specified by you)
4. Assign a state for all included objects in the Object List by selecting a state from the Target State menu on the Object List toolbar. Alternatively, select a state for each object using the drop-down menu in the Target State column of the Object List.
The Target State menu only populates with available states when all selected objects share the same life cycle template.
5. If you click Options on the Set State page, the Set State Options window opens in which you can set options for baseline creation as follows:
Name—Enter the name of the baseline.
Location—Enter the path or browse to the folder where you want the baseline stored.
Selecting or clearing the Create Baseline checkbox in the Set State Options window selects or clears the Create Baseline checkbox in the Set State window.
6. Click OK to set the options or click Cancel to return to the Set State page without setting the baseline options.
7. On the Set State page, select the Create Baseline checkbox if you want a baseline to be created.
8. Select the Run action in background checkbox if you want the set state action to run in the background.
9. Click OK on the Set State page.
All selected objects are set to the state specified.
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