Workspace Data Management Scenarios
The workspace provides many data management options. This topic briefly describes some typical scenarios.
Basic PDM Scenario
In the simplest sense, a workspace can be used for storing and retrieving work-in-progress design data. For example, one typical scenario is creating a new design and storing it in Windchill:
For more information about checking objects into the Windchill database, see
Checking In Objects to Windchill.
Using CAD Data to Generate Product Structure
A more powerful use of Windchill integration with your CAD tool enables you to generate a product structure in Windchill, based on your CAD model structure:
For more information about associating CAD documents and parts, see
About Association.
Retrieving Existing CAD Data for Modification
Another common scenario for CAD data management involves accessing an existing object or structure for updating the design:
For more information about locating Windchill objects, see
Performing a Search or Browse. For more information about Add to Workspace and Check Out, see
Adding Objects to the Workspace and
Checking Out Objects from Windchill.