Configuring the Windchill File System
This section describes how to specify folder location for the Windchill File System (WFS). You can define the Windchill folder location after you complete the Windchill Workgroup Manager installation in your computer.
To configure Windchill File System:
1. In the Windchill Workgroup Manager client, click Tools >> Windchill File System Management.
The Windchill File System Management page appears.
2. In the Windchill Folder Location field, specify the WFS folder path.
The default Windchill folder location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents.
When you specify folder location for Windchill File System (WFS) ensure that you:
Use shallow directory structure for WFS.
Save the WFS folder and the WFS cache location in the same drive.
Do not save the WFS folder in a network drive.
To access the Windchill Workspace and Commonspace complete the following tasks:
Register the WFS supported tasks
Register Windchill server or servers
Define a primary server
Access to Windchill Workspace and Commonspace is available when Windchill Workgroup Manager client is running.
WFS Folder Names with Restricted File System Characters
The client displays a warning when you browse to a folder whose name contains reserved characters. This warning is displayed only once for such folders in a session. You are recommended to avoid the use of restricted characters in folder names.
A Windchill folder name that contains restricted file system characters, such as special characters which are not permitted in the Windows naming convention, are not displayed in the WFS folder structure.
Before you upgrade Windchill to a newer version, examine the existing Windchill folder names and determine whether the folder names consist of restricted characters, and correct those folder names. If you are not able to examine the folder names before upgrading your Windchill version, then folder names with restricted characters become inaccessible. To access such folders, use the embedded browser to download files from the folder to the Windchill Workspace and access them through the WFS Workspace.
The following table describes the restricted system characters:
Forward slash
Question mark
Less-than sign
Greater-than sign
Vertical bar, “pipe” symbol
Quotation mark
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