Authorized Objects Table
The Authorized Objects table is only available for standard agreements. Context-based agreements authorize all objects within the same context as the agreement and do not use the Authorized Objects table.
By default, Objects authorized by a standard agreement appear in the Authorized Objects table. By customizing the view of this table, you can also add columns to display security label values corresponding to the authorized objects in the table. The Authorized Objects table is accessible from the Authorized Objects tab on the agreement information page as well as from the New Agreement and Edit Agreement windows. From the Authorized Objects table available from the agreement information page, you can view the information page for each object associated with the agreement by clicking the information page icon . You can also export the entire list of information displayed on the table using the Action > Export List to File option. You can export the list in CSV, HTML, PDF, TEXT, XLS, XLSX, XLS Report, and XML format.
The Authorized Objects table has a column dedicated to the Authorization Status. The Authorization Status of an object is not related to the Agreement Status. When creating or editing an agreement, any errors in the Authorization Status column must be resolved before the agreement can be created or modified. Objects in error are marked with an error icon . Possible authorization status values are detailed in the following table:
Authorization Status
Object is authorized by the agreement. It is accessible by authorized participants if they have the appropriate access control permissions.
Object is out of scope and appears with a strikethrough across the object name and attributes. Authorized participants cannot access the object until it is brought in scope.
Invalid Revision Series
Object's revision series has changed since the object was added to the agreement. It is considered out of scope and appears with a strikethrough across the object name and attributes. Authorized participants cannot access the object until it is removed and readded to the agreement. Once the object is added back to the agreement, the updated revision series is available and a specific revision or range of revisions can be selected.
Object Deleted
Object has been deleted from Windchill. Basic attributes remain, but appear with a strikethrough.
Error: Conflicting Revision Range
Object has two revision ranges specified. Each authorized object can have multiple single authorized revisions specified and up to one authorized revision range. If multiple revision ranges are specified for a single object, the last modified range will be marked in error. The range in error must be update to a single revision or removed from the table.
Error: Invalid Range
Object does not have an acceptable revision range. The starting revision must be earlier than the ending revision. The invalid range is shown in the Authorized Revisions column.
Error: Missing Revision
Object does not have a revision in the appropriate life cycle state for the date selected in the Edit Authorized Revisions window. The missing starting or ending revision displays a question mark (?).
When there are multiple views (like Design and Manufacturing) for object then all the views need to be added while creating the agreement on Authorized Objects user interface if user needs the access to all the views through agreement.
Standard agreements apply to the revision or range of revisions specified in the Authorized Revisions column. Authorized revisions can be set to a single revision (for example, revision B), a one-off revision (for example, revision C–1), or a range of specific revisions (for example, A through C). Revisions can also start with Initial, which selects the first revision available in the appropriate life cycle state or states. They can end with Latest, which is the latest revision available in the approved life cycle state or states, including revisions created in the future. Selecting a revision range of Initial through Latest will authorize all revisions of the object in the appropriate life cycle state or states including revisions created in the future. A question mark (?) for either the starting revision or ending revision value indicates a missing revision error. For more information about authorized revisions, see Authorized Object Revisions through Agreements.
If an authorized object has been deleted, the Authorized Objects table retains basic information to identify the deleted object.
Agreement managers are only able to see objects for which they have the appropriate access rights. Objects that a user does not have authorization to view are shown in the Authorized Objects table as Secured Information. If the agreement manager does not have authorization to view the object, the agreement manager cannot add the object to an agreement. However, the agreement manager can remove any authorized object from the agreement or update authorized objects in error.
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