Using the Set for Build Action
The Set for Build window shown in the following figure appears when you click the Set for Build action icon in the Compare Part to CAD Document window.
You use it to assign a status to a child object in a part structure and specify what result you intend for the object after the next build (regeneration) of the part structure. The settings available to you, their immediate build status updates, and result-after-build resolutions are described in the following table.
Set for Build Setting
Resulting Build Status and Result after Subsequent Build
If the selected child part is currently included in the part structure (current build status is Completed), its status remains unchanged. Following a subsequent build, the child remains in the structure with the status: Completed.
If the child part is not currently included in the part structure (current build status is null, To Be Built, or Excluded), its status becomes (or remains): To Be Built. Following a subsequent build, the child is included in the structure with the status: Completed.
Do Not Build
If the child part is currently included in the part structure (current build status is Completed), the child is reassigned the build status: Excluded. Upon a subsequent build, the child is removed from the structure.
If the child part is not currently included in the part structure (current build status is null, To Be Built, or Excluded), its status becomes (or remains): Excluded. Upon a subsequent build, the child is removed from the structure.
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