Windchill CAPA Action Implementations
In the Implementation state, the CAPA implementer must execute the action and record the outcome. A CAPA implementer can also create a workflow task based on the approved plan and assign individual implementation tasks.
As a CAPA implementer, you are responsible for performing the following tasks to complete the implementation:
Complete assigned tasks
Enter completion text
To begin the implementation task, use the following procedure:
At any time, you can click Save and continue working on the CAPA later.
1. Right-click an action in an Implementation state and select Enter Implementation Details.
2. In the Enter Implementation Details window, most fields are automatically generated from previous workflow steps. Complete the remaining fields as necessary:
Action ID
The action ID specified in a previous workflow.
Action Type
The action type specified in a previous workflow.
Primary Site
The primary site specified in a previous workflow.
The task description specified in a previous workflow.
Implementation Completion Text
Enter text as necessary to describe this action plan task.
3. Click Complete Task. The action is saved and moves to the next workflow state.
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