What’s New > Windchill Workgroup Manager > > Mapping CATIA UUID to Windchill Custom Attributes
Mapping CATIA UUID to Windchill Custom Attributes
Product: Windchill Workgroup Manager for CATIA V5
CATIA not only checks the file name but also the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) when loading dependents in Design Mode. When exchanging CATIA data with partners, it is possible to get the data with correct file name but the updated UUID. This may not cause a problem when storing the data; however, loading of the dependents may fail when opening its parent assembly from Windchill, so the component needs to be manually added to the assembly.
To prevent this potential problem, the CATIA Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) value can be populated and mapped to a Windchill custom attribute. Therefore, you can compare the UUID value of importing data with the one stored in Windchill.
As an administrator, you can enable this behavior by setting the designated parameter name (CAT:UUID) to a custom attribute in Windchill Type and Attribute Definition page.
Windchill Workgroup Manager for CATIA V5 only reads the UUID value and does not change the UUID stored on CATIA model. This functionality is applicable to CATPart and CATProduct documents only.
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