Conflict Messages for Import
This section describes the potential conflicts that can occur when importing information into the Windchill database. Information can be introduced or added into Windchill through many different ways, but conflicts are unique to the import functionality of Windchill. Examples of this functionality include Windchill packages, the Import/Export Management utility, and the Import from Spreadsheet action.
For Windchill packages, the conflicts can appear in the Event Management utility and the Preview Received Delivery Import window.
For the Import/Export Management utility, the conflicts appear in the Import Status Log section of the Import window.
For the Import from Spreadsheet action, the conflicts appear in the Import Job Monitor and import job information page.
Conflicts occur when the import encounters an unexpected situation. Potential conflicts happen when Windchill objects being imported exist in the Windchill database, and the object properties of the imported and existing objects do not match.
In general, there are three types of conflicts:
Administrative conflicts—Mismatches between data infrastructure (for example, the existence of folders, life cycles, or reusable attribute definitions) required by the imported object and the data definitions which exist in the target Windchill environment.
Dependency conflicts—References in the imported object (for example, through part structure) to other business items that do not exist in the target system.
Metadata conflicts—Mismatches between the metadata of items (for example, name/number pair) in the target system with the metadata of imported object occurs.
Many conflicts are presented in a generic message that the software supplies additional information to fit each situation:Object <type> already exists in database, but has different value for attribute <type>: existing value is <type>, new value is <type>.
A conflict is either overridable or non-overridable. Non-overridable conflicts are used for unexpected situations where the import cannot determine a resolution for the situation. An overridable conflict represents a situation where there are one or more possible resolutions and one of these resolutions is identified as the default resolution. Most uses of import support the options of automatically applying the default resolution to any overridable conflict encountered.
Through import on a received delivery, Windchill packages provide the ability to apply the default resolution to any overridable conflict encountered. They also allow the use of any specified resolution. Any conflict, where a resolution is not already specified, is presented in the Event Management Utility. For overridable conflicts, the user can select the resolution from the list of available resolutions. After a resolution has been selected for each conflict, the user can retry the import.
The following tables list the properties of Windchill objects that can cause conflicts for any use of import.
Conflict Description: Message displayed in a window or the Event Management utility
Explanation: Definitions of variables in the message
Overridable: Yes if users can resolve the conflict or No if it fails automatically
Default Resolution: The result that occurs if users select all default resolutions on import
Available Resolutions: Options that appear if users opt not to accept default resolutions on import (These apply to packages only.)
Default IXB Resolution lets the import process continue and resolves the problem reported by the conflict. Users have the option to select this resolution from the event console.
Potential Conflict Messages When Importing Information
The following conflict messages apply to all manners of importing information into Windchill. Available resolutions are available only for Windchill packages.
Conflict Description
Default Resolution
Available Resolutions
Business fields "{0}" for "{1}" do not match the data structure on this system. See the section Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" and "{1}" are the old and new Business Field.
Allow the Business Field import to fail
Allow the Business Field import to fail
Skip importing the Business Field
Business Fields "{0}" for "{1}" cannot be found on this system. See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" and "{1}" are the old and new Business Field.
Allow the Business Field import to fail
Allow the Business Field import to fail
Skip importing the Business Field
Create the Business Field or skip importing the Business Field if the Business Field creation fails
Create the Business Field or allow the Business Field import to fail if the Business Field creation fails
Default IXB conflict
Default IXB Resolution
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
"{0}": object already exists
Where "{0}" is the existing object.
Default IXB Resolution
Default IXB Resolution
Import Only Metadata
Skip Object Import
Import Metadata and Content
Import Only Content
Folder "{0}" cannot be found or the user doesn't have access to the folder from Container "{1}". See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the folder and “{1}” is the context.
Default IXB Resolution
Folder from the object initialization rule
Default folder
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
Folder from previous iteration
Organization cannot be found either with organization name or ID.
The owning organization, which has an organization ID is not found on the target.
Create New Organization
Create New Organization
Organization of the Current Context
Skip Object Import
Potential Conflict Messages when Importing Information Using Windchill Packages
The following conflict messages apply only when importing information through a Windchill package.
Conflict Description
Default Resolution
Available Resolutions
User cannot be imported because the user could not be found.
Skip Object Import
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
Principal cannot be imported because is marked as secured.
Skip Object Import
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
"{0}" : Lifecycle state cannot be found. See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the lifecycle state.
Life cycle from previous iteration. If previous iteration does not exist, then from the object initialization rule
Life cycle from the previous iteration. If the previous iteration does not exist, then from the object initialization rule.
Life cycle from previous iteration
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
Lifecycle from the object initialization rule
Default Life Cycle
"{0}" : Lifecycle template cannot be found. See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the lifecycle template.
Life cycle from previous iteration. If previous iteration does not exist, then from the object initialization rule.
Life cycle from the previous iteration. If the previous iteration does not exist, then from the object initialization rule.
Life cycle from previous iteration
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
Lifecycle from the object initialization rule
Default Life Cycle
Number for the object is null
Default IXB Resolution
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
Number from the previous iteration. If the previous iteration does not exist then from the object initialization rule.
"{0}" : Organization Global ID cannot be found. See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the global ID of the organization.
Organization of the current context
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
Organization of the current context
Default Organization
Owning Organization is marked as secured.
Organization of the current context
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
Organization of the current context
Default Organization
"{0}" : object can not be imported due to access permission
Where "{0}" is the object name.
Skip Object Import
Skip Object Import
"{0}" cannot be imported because the "{1}" object type does not exist on this system
Where "{0}" is the object name and “{1}” is the object type.
Skip Object Import
Skip Object Import
Version "{0}" cannot be found for the object type "{1}".See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the version and “{1}” is the object type.
Default IXB Resolution
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
Position-based determination of version label
Version series from the object initialization rule
Participant was not available during export because the exporting user does not have the appropriate permissions
Skip Object Import
Default IXB Resolution
Skip Object Import
The following conflict messages apply to all manners of importing information into Windchill. Those that are overridable only allow a single resolution of Skip Object Import, which is the default resolution.
Conflict Description
The existing last known source repository for the object is "{0}" in the database, but it has a different value in xml. The value is "{1 }".
Where "{0}" is the repository and “{1}” is the XML value.
Cabinet "{0}" cannot be found or the user doesn't have access to the cabinet from Container "{1}". See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the cabinet and “{1}” is the context.
Team "{0}" cannot be found in the Administrative Domain "{1}". See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the team and “{1}” is the administrative domain.
Definition of Instance Based Attribute "{0}" cannot be found. See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the reusable attribute.
Attribute definition "{0}" is defined locally as "{1}", but is imported as "{2}". See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the attribute definition, “{1}” is the local attribute definition, and “{2}” is the imported attribute definition.
Object "{1}" already exists in database, but has different value for attribute "{0}": existing value is "{3}", new value is "{2}".
Where "{1}" is the existing object, “{0}” is the attribute, "{3}" is the existing value, and "{2}" is the new value.
Object "{1}" already exists in database, but has different type of Instance Based Attribute "{0}": existing type is "{3}", new type is "{2 }".
Where "{0}" is the existing object, “{1}” is the reusable attribute, "{2}" is the existing type, and "{3}" is the new type.
Object "{1}" already exists in database, but has different unit precision of Instance Based Attribute "{0}": existing unit precision is "{3}", new unit precision is "{2 }".
Where "{0}" is the reusable attribute, “{1}” is the existing object, "{2}" is the new unit precision, and “{3}" is the existing unit precision.
Object "{1}" already exists in database, but has different ratio denominator of Instance Based Attribute "{0}": existing ratio denominator is "{3}", new ratio denominator is "{2 }".
Where "{0}" is the reusable attribute, “{1}” is the existing object, "{2}" is the new ratio denominator, and “{3}" is the existing ratio denominator.
Project "{0}" cannot be found in the Administrative Domain "{1}". See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the project and “{1}” is the administrative domain.
Object number {0} exists with the UFID that is different than the UFID from XML.
Where "{0}" is the object number.
Object name {0} exists with the UFID that is different than the UFID from XML.
Where "{0}" is the object name.
"{0}" cannot be imported because the user does not have the necessary permission.
Where "{0}" is the object that cannot be imported.
Measurement system"{0}" does not exist.
Where "{0}" is the measurement system.
Quantity of measure "{0}" does not exist.
Where "{0}" is the quantity of measure.
Type Definition cannot be found in target or parent containers: "{0 }"
Where "{0}" is the type definition.
Incompartible attribute "instantiable" for: "{0}", expected: "{1}", found: "{2 }"
Where "{0}" is the object, “{1}” is the expected attribute value, and "{2}" is the found attribute value.
IBA value (attribute type: "{1}", path: "{2}", value: "{3}") is expected with respect to import for: "{0 }"
Where "{0}" is the object, “{1}” is the attribute type, "{2}" is the path, and “{3}" is the value.
Type constraint (enforcementRuleClassname: "{1}", bindingRuleClassName: "{2}", enforcementRuleData: "{3}", IBA definition path:"{4}") is expected with respect to import for: "{0}"
Where "{0}" is the object, “{1}” is the enforcementRuleClassname, "{2}" is the bindingRuleClassName, “{3}" is the enforcementRuleData, and “{4}" is the reusable attribute definition path.
Extra type constraint (enforcementRuleClassname: "{1}", bindingRuleClassName: "{2}", enforcementRuleData: "{3}", IBA definition path:"{4}") is found with respect to import for: "{0 }"
Where "{0}" is the object, “{1}” is the enforcementRuleClassname, "{2}" is the bindingRuleClassName, “{3}" is the enforcementRuleData, and “{4}" is the reusable attribute definition path.
The icon "{0}" already exists. Override this conflict will rename the icon to a different name.
Where "{0}" is the icon.
Attributes are different for "{0}". The value of attribute "{3}" is different from the value as found in database. Expected: "{1}", found: "{2 }"
Where "{0}" is the object, “{1}” is the expected attribute value, "{2}" is the found attribute value, and “{3}" is the attribute name.
The logical identifier is different: existing: "{0}"; expected: "{1 }".
Where "{0}" is the existing logical identifier and “{1}” is the expected logical identifier.
Domain "{0}" cannot be found or the user doesn't have access to the Domain from Container "{1}". See the Specialized Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the domain and “{1}” is the context.
Attribute Organization "{0}" cannot be found. See the section Basic Administration for further information.
Where "{0}" is the attribute organization.
The existing Object "{1}" is in the database, but it has an extra value for Instance Based Attribute "{0}". The value is "{2 }".
Where "{0}" is the reusable attribute, “{1}” is the object, and “{2}” is the extra value for the reusable attribute.
: The existing Object "{1}" is in the database, but it is missing a value for Instance Based Attribute "{0}". The value is "{2 }".
Where "{0}" is the reusable attribute, “{1}” is the object, and “{2}” is the missing value for the reusable attribute.
BusinessEntity cannot be found: "{0 }"
Where "{0}" is the business entity.
ClassificationStruct exists but it is not presented in XML file for Classification Node: "{0 }"
Where "{0}" is the classification structure.
ClassificationStruct has a different Reference Definition for Classification Node "{0}": the ReferenceDefinition is "{1}" in XML file and "{2}" in database.
Where "{0}" is the classification node, “{1}” is the reference definition in the XML file, and “{2}” is the reference definition in the database.
Set state permission denied on "{0 }"
Where "{0 }" is the object that has been denied permission.
Reassign lifecycle permission denied on "{0 }"
Where "{0 }" is the object that has been denied permission.
User not authorized to use folder.
Folder is marked as secured.
"{0}" cannot be imported because the context "{1}" does not exist.
Where "{0}" is the object to be imported and “{1}” is the context.
View not found.
Container is marked as secured.
Reference to "{0 }" cannot be found.
Where "{0 }" is the object.
Can't find sourcing context "{0}" on this server.
Where "{0}" is the sourcing context.
You do not have modify access on "{0}"
Where "{0 }" is the object.
You do not have modify content access on "{0}"
Where "{0 }" is the object.
You do not have modify identity access on "{0}"
Where "{0 }" is the object.
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