About Reconciliation in Smart Collection Context
In a smart collection context, the Detect Discrepancies action detects only the discrepancies that are related to the parts present in a smart collection.
Use Case: Reconciliation in Smart Collection Context
1. Consider that the following structure is opened in the BOM Transformer.
2. Add Part 4 (Design)A.7, present in upstream, to the smart collection SM1.
Add Part 4 (Manufacturing)A.7, Part 5 (Manufacturing)A.7, and Part 3(Manufacturing)A.7, present in downstream, to the smart collection SM1.
3. In BOM Transformer, change the attributes of Part 4 (Design) A.7, Part 5 (Design) A.7, Part 3 (Design) A.7, and Part 5 (Manufacturing)A.7.
4. Open the smart collection SM1.
The following structure opens in the smart collection context:
5. Select Part 2 (Design) A.7 and click Detect Discrepancies. The discrepancies related to only Part 4(Design) A.7 appear in the Review and Resolve Discrepancies dialog box. The status of these discrepancies is Auto.
To know more about the Detect Discrepancies action, see About Detect and Resolve Discrepancies in BOM Transformer.
6. Resolve the discrepancies related with Part 4 (Design) A.7.
After resolving the discrepancies related to Part 4 (Design) A.7 in the smart collection context, if you click Detect Discrepancies in BOM Transformer, the discrepancies related to Part 4 (Design) A.7 appear as resolved in the Review and Resolve Discrepancies dialog box.
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