Amministrazione avanzata > MPMLink Administration > Copy Over Framework > Sample Configuration of Copy Over Property
Sample Configuration of Copy Over Property
Purpose: Carry over the global attribute Location of the part subtype Supplier when executing the Update to Current Upstream Equivalent Object action in BOM Transformer in the Drive System product only.
Prerequisite: You have collected the internal name of the part subtype Supplier and the attribute Location. This information is available in the Type and Attribute Management utility.
Configuration Procedure:
<Property name="<property key>" multivalued="," default=""/>
<AddToProperty name="<property key>" value="<property value>"/>
Identify the elements of property key:
Copy over delimiter for the BOM Transformer action: com.ptc.windchill.mpml.copyOver
Action name and mode: update
Fully qualified class name of part:, where com.ptc.windchill.SupplierPart is the internal name of the Supplier subtype
Container class name: PDMLinkProduct
Container name: Drive System
Derived value of property key: System
Identify the elements of property value:
Fully qualified class name of part: wt.part.WTPart|com.ptc.windchill.SupplierPart, where com.ptc.windchill.SupplierPart is the internal name of the Supplier subtype
IBA for global attribute
Internal name of the Location attribute: location
Derived value of property value:
After combining the elements of the property key and property value, the configuration for the copy over property is as follows:
<Property name=" System" multivalued="," default=""/>
<AddToProperty name=" System" value="WCTYPE|wt.part.WTPart|com.ptc.windchill.SupplierPart~IBA|location"/>
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