Collecting Logs
Set Up Log Collection
Before collecting logs, you must configure logging for your environment:
1. To enable automated logging, set the following environment variables:
PTC_AUTO_LOG_COLLECTION: Set this variable according to how you plan to collect logs:
t—Collect logs automatically
f—Collect logs manually
PTC_AUTO_LOG_COLLECTION_DIR: Set this value to the Windchill Workgroup Manager installation directory.
2. If you want Theorem logs to be collected, you must create and configure the lc.ini file:
a. Create a file named lc.ini and save it in the location specified in the PTC_AUTO_LOG_COLLECTION_DIR environment variable.
b. Add the following line to the lc.ini file and replace the variables with the correct file paths:
custom.copy.file=[Theorem installation location]\*.log;[location of Theorem
catia5worker.bat file]
For example:
c. If you have more than one CAD tool registered and plan to launch the log collector manually, add the following line and replace the variable with the appropriate CAD tool:[CAD application for which you want to collect logs]
For example: V5 R23
d. Save and close the lc.ini file.
Collect Logs Automatically
If you have set up automatic log collection, logs are automatically collected and compiled into a ZIP file when CATIA V5 and Windchill Workgroup Manager have been closed. When an issue occurs that you need to troubleshoot, close CATIA V5 and Windchill Workgroup Manager and then locate the compiled log file.
Collect Logs Manually
1. Run the WWGMLogCollector.exe file from the <Windchill Workgroup Manager Installation Directory>/x86e_win64/obj.
2. Launch CATIA V5.
3. Launch Windchill Workgroup Manager.
4. Reproduce the use case for which you want to gather logs.
5. Close CATIA V5 and Windchill Workgroup Manager.
The Windchill Workgroup Manager for CATIA V5 log files are collected and compiled into a ZIP file.
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