Post-Update Actions
Complete the instructions in the following sections after the update has completed;
Reimporting the SSL Certificate
Running the Update Tool
Migrating Project Templates
Migrating Program Templates
Migrating Templates for Quality Management Solutions
Updating the HTTP Server configuration files
For a clustered installation, revert your cluster to a single system before following these instructions. For detailed instructions on reverting a cluster, see Reverting a Cluster to a Single System.
If you want to run the updated Windchill with Amazon Corretto Java, see Changing the Java Development Kit (JDK).
Reimporting the SSL Certificate
If your site uses HTTPS, see the Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide (Guide d'installation et de configuration de Windchill) in the section Completing Configurations — Manual Steps > Configuring HTTPS for Apache and Windchill to reimport the certificate of authority into the jssecacerts file after you update your solution.
Running the Update Tool
The update tool should be run after updating a product to an existing install. For example, in the following scenarios:
After completing an update to an existing installation using the Windchill Service Pack option (such as a maintenance release update).
If there are problems with your Windchill installation after an update, such as the method server failing to start, or tables missing from your database schema.
The PTC HTTP Server, LDAP and Database should be up and running before running the Update tool.
To execute the update tool:
Update_Tool.bat -username <username> -password <password> -noui
UNIX -username <username> -password <password> -noui
When you see the message "Marking phase Load New Data as completed in the database", then the update tool has successfully completed.
Migrating Program Templates
The method server must be running when executing the following commands.
Choose from the following commands to migrate the program templates that you want to use with Enhanced Project Planning.
To migrate all available program templates in your Windchill system, run the following command:
java com.ptc.projectmanagement.project.utils.MigrateProjectTemplateUtility ALL=true PROGRAM=true
To migrate all program templates from a specific organization, run the following command:
java com.ptc.projectmanagement.project.utils.MigrateProjectTemplateUtility ORG=”<organization>” PROGRAM=true
where <organization> is the organization name.
To migrate a specific program template from a specific organization, run the following command:
java com.ptc.projectmanagement.project.utils.MigrateProjectTemplateUtility TEMPLATE=”<templateA>” ORG=”<organization>” PROGRAM=true
where <templateA> is the template name, and<organization> is the organization name.
To migrate specific program templates from any context, run the following command:
java com.ptc.projectmanagement.project.utils.MigrateProjectTemplateUtility TEMPLATE=”<templateA>, <templateB>” PROGRAM=true
where <templateA> and <templateB> are the template names.
Migrating Templates for Quality Management Solutions
Choose from the following commands to migrate the program templates that you want to use when updating an existing Windchill CAPA context to include Windchill Nonconformance NC Roles and NC Access Rules:
To load the NC Team roles:
windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -d <Windchill>\loadFiles\nc\NCTeamRole.xml -u wcadmin -p wcadmin -CONT_PATH \"/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo Organization/wt.inf.library.WTLibrary=myQMS-1\"
where <Demo Organization> is the organization name and <myQMS-1> is the context name that needs to be updated.
To load the NC Access rules:
windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -d <Windchill>\loadXMLFiles\nc\NC_ACLRules.xml -u wcadmin -p wcadmin -CONT_PATH \"/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo Organization/wt.inf.library.WTLibrary=myQMS-1\"
where <Demo Organization> is the organization name and <myQMS-1> is the context name that needs to be updated.
To update Windchill CAPA team roles:
• windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -d <Windchill>\loadFiles\capa\ CAPATeamRole.xml -u wcadmin -p wcadmin -CONT_PATH \"/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo Organization/wt.inf.library.WTLibrary=myQMS-1\"
where <Demo Organization> is the organization name and <myQMS-1> is the context name that needs to be updated.
To update Windchill CAPA Access rules:
• windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -d <Windchill>\loadXMLFiles\capa\ CAPA_ACLRules.xml -u wcadmin -p wcadmin -CONT_PATH \"/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo Organization/wt.inf.library.WTLibrary=myQMS-1\"
where <Demo Organization> is the organization name and <myQMS-1> is the context name that needs to be updated.
Updating the HTTP Server configuration files
If you have opted to preserve the HTTP server configuration files, then the update will not apply the fixes for this issue. In this case, you must perform the following steps. For more information, see Defining Settings.
1. Stop HTTP server.
2. Compare the contents of <HTTPSERVER_HOME>/conf-BACKUP/ and <HTTPSERVER_HOME>/conf directories.
3. Merge the contents of <HTTPSERVER_HOME>/conf-BACKUP/ into the <HTTPSERVER_HOME>/conf directory. Depending on the changes, you can either overwrite the files or manually merge the specific content in the file.
4. From Windchill shell and from the <HTTPSERVER_HOME> directory, run the following commands depending on the scenario:
If there are changes in the <HTTPSERVER_HOME>/conf/templates/webapp directory, run the following command:
ant -f webAppConfig.xml regenAllWebApps
If there are updates in the contents other than the <HTTPSERVER_HOME>/conf/templates/webapp directory, run the following command:
ant -f config.xml reconfigure
If there are updates in the contents of the <HTTPSERVER_HOME>/conf/templates/webapp and other directories, run both the commands:
ant -f config.xml reconfigure
ant -f webAppConfig.xml regenAllWebApps
These commands apply the fixed provided by PTC to the issue.
5. Start HTTP server.
Applying Maintenance Release Special Instructions
See the Windchill - A lire en premier for any additional instructions applicable for the maintenance release to which you are updating. You can download the latest Windchill - A lire en premier for your maintenance release at the following location on the PTC Web site:
This URL directs you to the PTC Online Support Web page for reference documents. For your document search criteria, select your product from the Product drop-down list, select the current release from the Release drop-down list, select Read This First from the Document Type drop-down list, and select Administrator from the User Role drop-down list.
Updating the Content download URLs
After completion of an update or an upgrade, you must update the bookmarked content download URLs in the browsers to ensure that the URLs are able to download content seamlessly.
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