Information Page for the OEM Part
The OEM part is defined as the part with the Source attribute set to Buy or Buy - Single Source. With Windchill Supplier Management installed, the information page for an OEM part provides the following information:
You can select the sourcing context for which to display the part structure. To do this, go to the Structure tab of a part’s information page, click Viewing > Views > Sourcing Contexts, and select the desired sourcing context.
You can customize the Uses table on the Structure tab to show the Sourcing Status column for the OEM part. The value listed in this column is based on the highest sourcing status value of all entries in the associated AML. By clicking the sourcing status value in the table, you can open the AML for that part. If an OEM part has no associated manufacturer parts, that part has the No AML value in the sourcing status column and, in addition, is identified by the icon .
If a part was created with the Source attribute set to Buy, it is considered by the system a multi-source part, with the expectation that more than one manufacturer part can be identified for this part. If a part was created with the Source attribute set to Buy- Single Source, then the part is expected to have only one manufacturer part identified.
If an OEM part was created with the Source attribute set to Buy, and it has only one manufacturer part associated with it, it is identified in the table by the icon as a single-source part.
You can view the Single Source OEM for Multisource Part report that shows parts (created with the Source attribute set to Buy) that have only one manufacturer part assigned. To access this report, go to the action bar on the Structure tab and select Reports > Single Source OEM Parts.
You can view the AML/AVL information for the OEM part on the AML/AVL tab. The AML/AVL tab shows the following tables:
AML/AVL—Shows the AML/AVL for the selected part.
AML/AVL Changes—Shows changes to the AML/AVL for the selected part.
You can view the AML/AVL for all sourcing contexts by adding a new tab and selecting Customize > General > AML/AVL (All Contexts).
You can generate reports that contain manufacturer and vendor part data by selecting from the Reports list on the action bar of the Structure page.
You can access history reports on the AML/AVL by adding a new tab and selecting Customize > History
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