Security Labels Import and Export
As security labels are attributes on an object, they can be exported in the same manner as other object attributes. The security labels and their values are exported as attributes on the object, and imported, loaded in the same way.
Import and export of security labels is supported for the following objects:
WTAnalysisActivity – analysis activity
WTChangeActivity2 – change task
WTChangeIssue – problem report
WTChangeOrder2 – change notice
WTChangeProposal – change proposal
WTChangeRequest2 – change request
WTVariance – variance
WTDocument – document
WTPart – part
EPMDocument – EPM document (includes CAD documents and dynamic documents)
MPMProcessPlan – process plan
MPMSequence – sequence
MPMOperation – operation
MPMMfgProcess – manufacturing capability
MPMMfgStandardGroup – manufacturing standard group
VendorPart – vendor part
ManufacturerPart – manufacturer part
Requirement – requirement
Specification – specification
Bulk loading of new objects with security labels is supported for the following objects:
WTDocument – document
WTPart – part
VendorPart – vendor part
ManufacturerPart – manufacturer part
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