Equivalent Parts
The Equivalent Parts tab in the downstream and upstream area displays information about equivalent objects and latest non-linked iteration of equivalent objects. The upstream area displays information about downstream equivalent objects and latest non-linked iteration of downstream equivalent objects that matches the filter criteria. Similarly, the downstream area displays information about upstream equivalent objects and latest non-linked iteration of downstream equivalent objects.
The information displayed in the Equivalent Parts tab is available in the following sections:
Downstream Equivalent Objects— This section provides information about the Downstream Identityof the selected part, Latest iteration of the part assembly, Downstream Equivalence Context, and Upstream Equivalence Context in a tabular format. There are two ways to open an equivalent downstream part.
• Right-click the equivalent part and select Open Equivalent Part on Downstream Side.
• Click

Open Equivalent Part on Downstream Side located at the top of the table.
Latest Non-Linked Iteration of Downstream Equivalent Objects Matching the Filter— This section displays information about any iteration of the mBOM part that has been created for the selected eBOM part but is not linked to the upstream part. The out of date parts are listed in this section. You can open or update selected equivalent links from this table. To update a downstream equivalent part, click

Upstream Equivalent Objects— This section provides information about the equivalent upstream parts. You can open and remove selected equivalent links from this table. There are two ways to open an upstream equivalent part.
• Right-click the equivalent part and select
Open Equivalent Part on Upstream Side.
• Click

Open Equivalent Part on Upstream Side located at the top of the table.
To remove an equivalent link, click

Latest Non-Linked Iteration of Upstream Equivalent Objects Matching the Filter— The out of date parts are listed in this section. You can open or update selected equivalent links from this table. To update a downstream equivalent part, click

The equivalent status and the tree structure are updated along with updates in equivalent links.