Revise Preferences
The following table lists preferences for creating new revisions:
Allow Override On Insert
No (default)
If set to “Yes” will display insert actions and allows user to specify a revision label.
Allow Override On Revise
No (default)
If set to “Yes” allows user to specify a revision label when creating a new revision.
Allow Override On Create CAD Document
No (default)
If set to “Yes”, allows the user to set the revision of an uploaded object. If set to “No”, when a new CAD document is checked in, it uses the initial revision label in the sequence.
Allow revise of non-latest revisions
No (default)
If set to “Yes”, allows the user to revise non-latest revisions for valid object types
Revision Label Picker Display Count
Integer (default is 10)
Specifies the number of revision labels displayed in the revision label picker.
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