File Entry
An outbox location for outgoing HL7 messages
This location can only be modified using the following xconfmanager command:
<Property default="$(wt.temp)/filedropfdacommunications/out/"
name="com.ptc.qualitymanagement.QMS.FDA.fileDropOutputDirectory"/> |
An inbox location of incoming acknowledgements from the FDA
• This location can only be modified using the following xconfmanager command:
<Property default="$(wt.temp)/filedropfdacommunications/in/"
name="com.ptc.qualitymanagement.QMS.FDA.fileDropInputDirectory"/> • Windchill monitors this folder and automatically processes incoming acknowledgements.
• For more information about the purpose of each received acknowledgement, see the “eMDR Workflow” section in eMDR Process Overview.
• Acknowledgement #1 (ACK1) is generated when the submission reaches the ESG (FDA Gateway server). ACK1 must be generated by the AS2 server, and the first line must contain the file name that was submitted to the AS2 server. This file is stored in the inbox folder defined in the file. The message ID is enclosed in <> brackets with the message ID generated by the AS2 server.
The following is an example of an ACK1 file:
<mendAS2-1389394654277-62@175749431_ZZFDATST> • • Acknowledgement #2 (ACK2) contains the information that is sent to the AS2 server from the FDA when the submission reaches the CDRH (Center of Devices and Radiological Health).
The following is an example of an ACK2 file:
MessageID: <mendAS2-1389394654277-62@175749431_ZZFDATST>
CoreId: ci1389364942307.54077@fdsul05626_te2 DateTime Receipt Generated: 01-10-2014, 09:42:55 File Count: 1 Directory Count: 1 CDRH has received your submission • Acknowledgement #3 (ACK3) contains the information that is sent to the AS2 server from the FDA when the CDRH validates and loads the submission into the Adverse Event database (MAUDE).
The following is an example of an ACK3 file:
<coreId>ci1389364942307.54077@fdsul05626_te2</coreId> <batchId>3</batchId> <dateEntered>01-10-2014, 09:42:55</dateEntered> <numReportFailed>0</numReportFailed> <numReportPassed>1</numReportPassed> <report id='12345678900005'> <status>passed</status> </report> </submission> • The ACK files can have any extension or no extension. If there is a file in the inbox, it is opened and evaluated by Windchill to determine if it is an ACK1, ACK2, or ACK3.
• Windchill does not store the ACK files. The contents of the ACK files are evaluated and stored in the submission tables. The attributes found in the ACKs can be viewed in the submission information for eMDRs in Windchill Customer Experience Management.
◦ ACK1 contains a communication ID, which is the original file name, and a message ID, which is generated by the AS2 server.
◦ ACK2 contains a message ID and a core ID, which is generated by the FDA.
◦ ACK3 contains a core ID and a submission status of success or failure. If an ACK3 indicates a failure, the error messages are stored and are visible in the submission information.
• After the ACK files are processed by Windchill, they are deleted from the inbox folder. If it is important to view or store the actual contents of the ACK files, then the AS2 server must be configured appropriately to keep copies of the ACK files.
An orphan location for incoming acknowledgements from the FDA that cannot be linked to a previous communication
The following property specifies the location of the orphan directory:
<Property default="$(wt.temp)/filedropfdacommunications/orphan/"
name="com.ptc.qualitymanagement.QMS.FDA.fileDropOrphanDirectory"> The orphan directory is used to store acknowledgements that cannot be processed due to one of the following conditions:
• If the file contains ACK1 information (the original submission file name and a message ID) and the original submission file name does not match the communication ID of an existing submission, the file is placed in the orphan folder. This issue generally does not happen unless there is a problem with the AS2 server generating the correct information to be placed in the acknowledgements.
• If the file contains ACK2 information and the system cannot match the message ID to the message ID in an existing valid submission, the file is placed in the orphan folder. This can occur if the ACK1 for the submission has not been processed yet, if the ACK1 is missing, or if both the ACK1 and ACK2 are placed in the inbox at the same time and the ACK2 is picked up first.
• If the file contains ACK3 information and the system cannot match the core ID to the core ID in an existing valid submission, the file is placed in the orphan folder. This usually occurs when the FDA returns an ACK3 but not an ACK2 for a submission. This can happen when the FDA ESG gateway experiences problems. This can also occur if the ACK2 and ACK3 are placed in the inbox at exactly the same time, and the ACK3 is picked up first.
When the file drop service activates, it scans the orphan folder to verify if there are any files present. If files are present, then Windchill attempts to process them. For example, an ACK was placed in the orphan folder because the previous ACK had not been processed yet. Once the previous ACK is processed, the ACK in the orphan folder is then processed successfully.
A targz location
This location is only used for UDI and not for Windchill Customer Experience Management.
The files for UDI submissions are packaged in a tar.gz format while the files for eMDRs are packaged as XML files.
The following property specifies the location of the targz directory:
<Property default="$(wt.temp)/filedropfdacommunications/targz/"
name="com.ptc.qualitymanagement.QMS.FDA.fileDropTarGzDirectory"/> |
A fileDropWaitTime entry
This entry is only used for UDI and not for Windchill Customer Experience Management.
This property specifies the wait time to check the files in the directories for processing.
The following property specifies the fileDropWaitTime:
<Property default="10000"
name="com.ptc.qualitymanagement.QMS.FDA.fileDropWaitTime"/> |
![]() | There are additional UDI properties that are not used by CEM, so you do not need to update them. |