Windchill Product Analytics Process Adapter Removal Pre-Upgrade Steps
Starting with Windchill, support for Windchill Product Analytics Process Adapter is discontinued. If you are upgrading from a source system with this module installed to Windchill, perform the following steps in the source system to clear the queue entries:
You are required to perform the following steps before actual upgrade process starts.
1. Log in to the Windchill application as an administrator.
3. Check the InSightSyncronizationQueue queue for Type as Schedule and Process. To process these queue entries:
◦ Click
to run the queue entry.
◦ Click the delete icon

on the
Queue Entries table if the entry is not required.
◦ Delete 
the queue entries that are
Severe/Failed Entries 4. Disable 
InSightSyncronizationQueue queue.
5. Make sure that the queue is empty before starting the upgrade process.