Maintaining the Connections between Participant Objects and their Directory Server Entries
Sometimes the definitions of participants in the directory server are changed using a directory administration tool other than the Participant Administration utility. For example, another tool is sometimes used to move users, groups, or organizations from one directory location to another. When this happens, the distinguished names for the participants that are moved change. During normal operation, Windchill keeps track of the objects it encounters that do not have valid distinguished names.
You may search for disconnected participants and
• reconnect the disconnected participants
• delete the disconnected participants from Windchill
• delete the disconnected participants from Windchill and the Windchill directory server.
Clicking the
Search Disconnected Participants
action on the
Participant Administration table searches for the disconnected participants for which the distinguished name currently associated with the participant is not valid.
From the Participant Administration table, you can do the following activities:
• Search for additional participants that have non-existing distinguished names
• Reconnect disconnected participants
• Delete disconnected participants
• Purge all participants from the cache
For specific instructions on how to perform these activities, see
Managing Disconnected Participants.