與其他應用程式整合 > Windchill Workgroup Manager 文件集 > Creo Elements/Direct Drafting > Administration and Configuration > Configuring Business Practices > Configuring Attributes
Configuring Attributes
Attributes are entities that define properties of objects, such as CAD files or Windchill business objects. They always consist of a name and value, for example, Life Cycle State can be assigned the value In Work.
In Windchill, there are two types of attributes: hard and soft. The system attributes that are hard-coded into Windchill, are therefore available by default. System attributes are typically defined for a set of characteristics that most business objects share, such as name or number. User-defined attributes, are not hard-coded; therefore are not available by default. The user defines global attributes, for example, COLOR or LENGTH, for individual objects or classes of objects. CAD applications have analogous entities, variously called properties, parameters, or attributes, that can be mapped to Windchill attributes so that their values are communicated between Windchill and the CAD application, if desired.
For purposes of clarity in discussing attribute management, it is the standard of this guide to refer to Windchill attributes as attributes and to refer to CAD application attributes, properties, and parameters as parameters.
Administrators configure attributes and parameters so that they are published (viewable) in both the CAD application and Windchill.
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