企業管理 > Windchill 匯出與匯入 > 《PTC Windchill PLM Connector - Creo Packages 管理員及使用者指南》 > Creo Packages > Exporting Packages > Requirements > Collection Methodologies
Collection Methodologies
When exporting a package, you specify export criteria using one of the following methodologies:
Command line—The command line utility supports the full or abbreviated execution of Creo Packages commands and arguments.
Recipe file—A recipe file contains a collection of objects based on scripted criteria. Recipe files are useful for specifying a complex collection of objects, or when the same criteria is used multiple times. Recipe files must be used to create an incremental package.
Command line and recipe file—Allows for the definition of processing rules applicable for multiple seed objects at the command line and for processing the export of data using a recipe file.