進階自訂 > Services and Infrastructure Customization > Customizing Virus Scanner for Content Upload > Configuration and Deployment
Configuration and Deployment
You can configure the virus scanner implementation with Windchill by adding the following entry in <Windchill>/codebase/service.properties.xconf and propagate the changes from Windchill shell.
<!-- Delegate of IContentProcessor for Virus scan -->
<Service context="default" name="wt.content.IContentProcessor">
<Option cardinality="singleton" requestor="java.lang.Object"
serviceClass="wt.content.ClamAVContentProcessor" selector="DEFAULT"/>
wt.content.ClamAVContentProcessor is a sample implementation class name. The serviceClass attribute value should be the class name of your implementation.
Deploy the class file and the service.properties.xconf configuration at all File Server sites and the Main site (at all nodes in a cluster environment). Restart Windchill server after the deployment of class file and propagation of the service.properties.xconf changes.