進階自訂 > Services and Infrastructure Customization > Enumerated Types > Localizing an Enumerated Type
Localizing an Enumerated Type
To have a locale-specific set of display values for an enumerated type, a locale-specific version of the enumerated type’s resource bundle can be created. To do so, perform the following steps:
1. Make a copy of the standard resource bundle for the enumerated type, giving it a file name with the appropriate locale suffix. For example, to create a French version of the resource bundle for MySize, copy the MySizeRB.rbInfo bundle and name it MySizeRB_fr.rbInfo.
2. Do not change the keys of entries being localized; they must match those in the standard bundle.
3. Edit the display and description fields with the appropriate translation.
4. Change the order and defaultValue fields if desired; it is not likely to be necessary.
5. Do not change the selectable field.
After creating the resource info file for a specific locale and translating it, build the runtime resource from it. Then verify the results of your localization by using the verification utility mentioned earlier.