進階自訂 > Services and Infrastructure Customization > The Enterprise Layer > Change Abstractions > Associations with Product Information
Associations with Product Information
An affected object changeable is a PDM object whose changes can be tracked by the change management system. These are referred to as product data versions to the end user. The term product data version appears on the Change Management user interface rather than the term "changeable." At this release, Windchill parts, products, product instances, documents, and EPM documents are the only affected objectschangeables, as shown in the following figure.
Changeable Change Objects
The change management model defines four distinct relationships between change objects and affected objects changeables. Any number of affected objects changeables can be associated with each of the relationships. In the following figure, one part and one document is associated to the change object in each case. Also shown is a relationship between a change request and a product master, which is not an affected object changeable.
Relationships to Product Information
The following are the four relationships between change objects and affected objects changeables and the relationship between a change request and a product master.
Relevant request data
The relevant request data association identifies affected objects changeables that are relevant the change request for any reason.
Relevant analysis data
The relevant analysis data association identifies affected objects changeables that are relevant to the analysis for a change investigation or change proposal.
Affected activity data
The affected activity data association identifies affected objects changeables that must be changed to satisfy a change activity.
Change record
The change record association identifies affected objects changeables that have been changed as a result of a change activity.
Subject product
The subject product association identifies product masters that are the subject of the change request. Product masters are not affected objects changeables and may not be directly affected by the change request.
To summarize, relevant request data and relevant analysis activity data identify versions that might change, affected activity data identifies old (or defective) revisions which have been superseded, and change record identifies new (or improved) revisions. Also, subject product identifies product masters that are the subject of a change request, but are not necessarily affected themselves. The following figure shows a UML class diagram representing these associations:
Associations Class Diagram