進階自訂 > Business Logic Customization > Data Exchange using Standards in Windchill > STEP Data Exchange using EXPRESS > STEP Foundation > EXPRESS Tools > EXPRESS Database Tools > Load Schema
Load Schema
STEP-based data exchange requires various schemas to be loaded in EDMDB prior to actual data exchange process. Based on the nature or behavior, schemas are divided into following categories.
Load EXPRESS Schema
Load Conversion (EXPRESS-X) Schema
Load Query Schema
These schemas are loaded with the help of EDM EXPRESS Compiler. This tool has been developed to facilitate the customizers to load various schemas into EDMDB.
Following command is being used to load the schema into the EDMDB
Command Syntax
$>java wt.stepdex.expressschemautil.ExpressDbSchemaManager -loadschema [-overwrite] -type (-t) -e|-x|-q -s (schemafile) SchemaAbsolutePath [-dbname (-d) <DBName> -user(-u) <DBContextLoginName> -password(-p) DBPassword -location(-l) DBLocation]
-loadSchema: Option for loading a new schema
-overwrite: Option to overwrite on an existing schema
-t: Type of the schema. Could be of following 3 options
-x: Option to load an EXPRESS-X schema
-e Option to load EXPRESS schema
-q Option to load Query schema
SchemaAbsolutePath: Specify absolute path to schema
DBName : Specify database name
DBContextLoginName: Specify database context login name
DBPassword: Specify the database password
DBLocation: Specify path to database
Here is the simple command which loads Windchill express schema into EDMDB
$> java wt.stepdex.expressschemautil.ExpressDbSchemaManager -loadschema -t -e -s [WT_HOME]/loadXMLFiles/windchill_express_schema.exp
If Database details are not present in command, then the tool reads default database details from the stepdex.properties file.