基本自訂 > Windchill Customization Basics > Getting Started With Windchill Customization > Example Overview
Example Overview
The customization will introduce a new class, Pet. Pet will represent an animal (a pet) and will define the following properties:
name the name of the pet
kind an enumeration consisting of dog, cat, gerbil, etc.
dateOfBirth a date represeting the pet’s birthday
fixed a boolean indicating whether the pet has been spayed or neutered.
Additionally, the Pet will incorporate the following:
ContentHolder (a domain interface) to store pictures of the pet
Ownable (a domain interface) to support assigning the pet to an owner
WTObject (a base class) to provide basic functionailty.
Pets can be stored in the Windchill database and support basic “CRUD” operations (Create, Read (query), Update, Delete). Additionally, the Windchill user interface will be augmented to support CRUD operations against pets in the browser. Note that the Pet example is not intended to be “complete”, nor is it an example of a practical customization; it merely demonstrates a simple Windchill customization introducing a new, persisted, and very basic class.
Getting Started With Windchill Customization