与其他应用程序集成 > Windchill Workgroup Manager 文档 > Windchill Workgroup Manager 工具包 > Installing and Configuring the Toolkit > Set Up the Development Environment > Create the WWGMTK_Install_DIR Environment Variable—Windows
Create the WWGMTK_Install_DIR Environment Variable—Windows
Customers using a Windows operating system, must set up the WWGMTK_Install_DIR user environment variable. This variable must reside on the same machine as the Windchill Workgroup Manager client. Set up the variable to point to the Windchill Workgroup Manager Toolkit installation directory.
1. From the System Properties window of your computer, select the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.
2. In the user variables section, click New to add a new user environment variable.
3. In the Variable name field, enter WWGMTK_Install_DIR.
4. In the Variable value field, enter the full path to the Windchill Workgroup Manager Toolkit installation. For example, enter c:/program files/ptc/wgm/Toolkit/.
5. Click OK.