Дополнительные возможности > Управление информацией об обслуживании > Руководство по конфигурированию > Service Publishing Setup > Service Publishing Rules for WVS
Service Publishing Rules for WVS
WVS uses publish rules for managing the parameters that control how output is produced. To write and use publishing rules, you need to understand the information in:
Service Publishing Setup
Service Publishing Process
WVS Publish Rules
You need to set up a publishing rules file for publishing from an information structure, publication structures and parts lists. A sample publish rules file is distributed with Windchill Service Information Manager:
When you are finished defining the publishing rules file, it needs to be deployed for WVS. An administrator must load Publish Rules XML files into a WVS Configuration Template.
WVS needs to find the following in the wvs.properties file:
publish.usesPublishRules=ARBORTEXT SIS
The location of the wvs.properties and wvs.properties.xconf files has been moved to the Windchill-path\codebase\WEB-INF\conf directory. Be sure to make any necessary changes to reflect this location change.
WVS needs to find the following in the publish rule file:
<authoring-application name="SIS">