The XML file, including full file path, from which to import the preferences. This is typically a file created using the preference export utility. If an invalid file or file path is provided, an error message is displayed.
This parameter is required.
User ID of the site administrator user. This parameter should be specified together with the -password parameter. If these parameters are not specified, then you will be prompted to authenticate when the utility is run.
Password of the site administrator user. This parameter should be specified together with the -user parameter. If these parameters are not specified, then you will be prompted to authenticate when the utility is run.
Show of all valid arguments for the command.
Control the level of informational or debug messages. 1 is the least, 3 is the most.
Import only the site-level preference instances from the import file.
Only one of the following parameters can be specified at a time: -importSiteLevel, -importOrgLevel, -importContainerLevel, or -importUserLevel.
If no preference instances exist in the import file for the specified level, an information message is added to the log, but is not considered an error.
Import only the preference instances for the specified organization from the import file. Only one organization can be specified at a time. The fully qualified path for the organization must be specified as the parameter value.
For example, to import preference instances for an organization named Demo Organization, specify the parameter as follows:
-importOrgLevel="/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo Organization"
Only one of the following parameters can be specified at a time: -importSiteLevel, -importOrgLevel, -importContainerLevel, or -importUserLevel.
If no preference instances exist in the import file for the specified level, an information message is added to the log, but is not considered an error.
Import only the preference instances for the specified context (product, library, project, or program) from the import file. Only one context can be specified at a time. The fully qualified path for the context must be specified as the parameter value.
For example, to import all preference instances for a product named Product1 in the Demo Organization, specify the parameter as follows:
-importContainerLevel="/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo Organization/wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct=Product1"
Only one of the following parameters can be specified at a time: -importSiteLevel, -importOrgLevel, -importContainerLevel, or -importUserLevel.
If no preference instances exist in the import file for the specified level, an information message is added to the log, but is not considered an error.
Import only the preference instances for the specified user from the import file. Only one user can be specified at a time. For example, to import all preference instances for the wcadmin user, specify the parameter as follows:
Only one of the following parameters can be specified at a time: -importSiteLevel, -importOrgLevel, -importContainerLevel, or -importUserLevel.
If no preference instances exist in the import file for the specified level, an information message is added to the log, but is not considered an error.
All value mismatch conflicts are resolved by overwriting existing values with the value being imported. If this parameter is specified, any multi-value preferences are replaced in the database with the imported preference values.
This preference can be specified in conjunction with the -skipUnresolvedConflicts preference, in which case the import operation should successfully complete with all value conflicts overwritten, and all unresolved conflicts skipped.
Any conflicts that are not resolved are skipped. The rest of the file is imported.
This preference can be specified in conjunction with the-overwriteValueConflicts preference, in which case the import operation should successfully complete with all value conflicts overwritten, and all unresolved conflicts skipped.
Apply the imported preference instances only to the site level.
Apply the imported preference instances only to the specified organizations. The parameter value must be the fully qualified path for the organization. Multiple organizations can be specified as a comma-delimited list.
This parameter can only be used in conjunction with one of the following parameters: -importSiteLevel, -importOrgLevel, -importContainerLevel, or -importUserLevel.
If multiple organizations have been specified, the import operation is applied to each organization separately. If the import can successfully complete for some of the specified organizations, but not for others, a message is displayed detailing the organizations for which the import was successful. Any conflicts from the unsuccessful organizations are logged in the log file.
Apply the imported preference instances only to the specified context (product, library, project, or program) or contexts. The parameter value must be the fully qualified path for the context. Multiple contexts can be specified as a comma-delimited list.
This parameter can only be used in conjunction with one of the following parameters: -importSiteLevel, -importOrgLevel, -importContainerLevel, or -importUserLevel.
If multiple contexts have been specified, the import operation is applied to each context individually. If the import can successfully complete for some of the specified contexts, but not for others, a message is displayed detailing the contexts for which the import was successful. Any conflicts from the unsuccessful contexts are logged in the log file.
Apply the imported preference instances only to the specified user or users. Multiple users can be specified as a comma-delimited list.
This parameter can only be used in conjunction with one of the following parameters: -importSiteLevel, -importOrgLevel, -importContainerLevel, or -importUserLevel.
If multiple users have been specified, the import operation is applied to each user individually. If the import can successfully complete for some of the specified users, but not for others, a message is displayed detailing the users for which the import was successful. Any conflicts from the unsuccessful users are logged in the log file.