다른 응용 프로그램과 통합 > Windchill Workgroup Manager 설명서 > CADDS 5 > Advanced Techniques > Managing Business Objects > Using Library Model Items
Using Library Model Items
Creo CADDS 5 has two main subtypes of model items: Custom and Library.
Custom model items are those created by you (the user).
Library model items are stock parts that have been pre-created and are available to be used in an assembly or a part.
The distinction is important because it has implications for how the corresponding WTParts are to be created. Instead of creating WTParts for catalog parts (library model items) on-the-fly during Auto-Associate best practice, you should have the WTParts already created in a Windchill Library.
In the case of a library model item, the WTPart whose number corresponds to a catalog part link property is searched for during Auto-Associate. You need to create the WTPart using a number having same value as that of the library model item link property. For this to happen, either you need to disable Auto-Numbering altogether in the library context, and then create WTParts for the catalog model item with the number, or you keep the auto-numbering enabled, but set it as overridable. The disabling of Auto Number or keeping it overridable can be achieved from the object initialization rules (OIR) of the library context.
Out-of-the-box, the catalog part property is typically used for the following purposes. These link properties are automatically created and passed on to the corresponding model item of the business object or occurrence object as described in the following table.
Business Object
Occurrence Object
Library/Catalog Part Link Property
Component Shapes
Piping Interface Fittings
Pipe Line
Pipe Line
Pipe Fittings
Pipe Gasket
Pipe Spool
Pipe Line
Pipe Fittings
HVAC Duct Line
Duct Line
Duct Fittings
HVAC Duct Spool
Duct Line
Duct Fittings
Structural Panel
Structural Plate
Structural Stiffener
Structural Plate
Structural Plate
Structural Stiffener
Structural Stiffener
Structural Collar
Structural Collar
Structural Bracket
Structural Bracket
In Windchill, preference management ensures that for every catalog model item (Model Item Subtype=LIBRARY) no new WTPart is created and that the association is always formed with an existing WTPart. The type of association formed for library model item is ‘IMAGE’.
Create Associate New Part=Owner Only
Disallow Structure Model Item Sub-types=LIBRARY
If you check in a published business object, then no new WTPart is created for the catalog part/library model item during the Auto-Associate operation.
Having created the WTPart with Number=Catalog Part Link Property and with the out-of-the-box preferences, once you check in a published business object or occurrence with the Auto-Associate option enabled , then for the catalog part model item, the existing library WTPart (whose number matches the link property value) is picked up and associated as an ‘IMAGE’ type of association with the catalog part/library model item.