엔터프라이즈 관리 > Windchill 내보내기 및 가져오기 > PTC Windchill PLM Connector - Creo Packages Administrator's and User's Guide(PTC Windchill PLM Connector - Creo 패키지 관리자 및 사용자 안내서) > Creo Packages > Exporting Packages > Preparing a Package for Export > Setting Export Preferences
Setting Export Preferences
Export preferences must be set before using Creo Packages to export a package from the source system. You must specify the export preferences in the wpc_preferences.txt file that was created in the Creo Packages installation directory during the installation.
The wpc_preferences.txt file contains the export and conflict overriding preferences for the export of a package.
You can modify the wpc_preferences.txt file using a text editor. By removing the comment symbol (#), you activate the default preference. Additional preference commands can be added to the wpc_preferences.txt file.
Once export preferences are set in the wpc_preferences.txt file, they continue to be used each time you want to export a package. You can modify the wpc_preferences.txt file if you want to change any of the export preferences.
Using Prefixes
The prefixes used in the wpc_preferences.txt file are the following:
%o—Indicates the operation being performed. Values can be export or import.
%u—Indicates the username for Creo Packages.
%t—(Optional) Enables the timestamp for an exported package.
Baseline Creation Upon Export
After the default comment line (## Preferences for baseline creation upon import/export) in the wpc_preferences.txt file, add the baselines information for the file being exported from the source PLM system. Following is an example:
##Preferences for baseline creation upon import / export
## Reports location
Directory Separator
The directory separator is platform specific. On Windows, the indicator is double back slash (\\) when specifying the paths for a recipe file location or a command line argument location. You can also use the syntax ${dir.sep} as a directory separator. When ${dir.sep} is used in wpc_preferences.txt file, the $ is replaced by \\. The \\ and the ${dir.sep} separators can be used in combination, as in the following example:
#export.default.recipefile=c:\\ptc\\wpc${dir.sep} recipes\\defaultRecipeFile.rcp.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution is specified as: conflict.<ConflictType>=<ResolutionType>
<ResolutionType> can have multiple values. <ConflictType> can have keywords assigned.
In this example, OVERRIDE_FIRST_ITERATION is the conflict type and INCLUDE is the resolution type that is assigned. Multiple values for OVERRIDE_FIRST_ITERATION could be INCLUDE, SKIP, USE_LATEST_ON_PREVIOUS. Following is an example:
ARE include, skip, use_latest_on_previous

The following sections explain the kinds of preferences criteria you can set in the wpc_preferences.txt file.
Default Report Output Location
You can specify the default location for storing the report, or choose “same as where packages.”
Following is an example:
reports.location =d:\wpc\report

reports.location =.
Baseline Creation
Whenever Creo Packages executes an export, a new baseline containing the collection of objects that were exported to the package is created in the source PLM system.
Optionally, you can specify the naming convention of the baseline (by specifying the prefix) and the storing location. This location defined in the preferences applies if the location is not specified in the command line.
You can also include %o (the letter “o”) as part of the baseline name. For example, if a prefix is specified as WPC_%o_ then, the baseline name could be one of the following:
baseline.folderpath =Product1/Designs/Baselines baseline.prefix =WPC_%o_
In the export preferences file, the result baseline folder for the object ownership export package, must be specified in the WPCExport command for the object ownership transfer package, as shown in the following example:
Ownership.baseline.folderpath = “Root Folder”\baselines\ownership_transfer
You can also include %o (the letter “o”) as part of the baseline name. For example, if a prefix is specified as WPC_%o_ then, the baseline name could be added as “owner_change.” For example: baseline.prefix=WPC_%o.
WPC_owner_change_ INTRALINK_0124200714:11:35
Default Recipe File Location
You can specify the name of the recipe file that is used by default. If not specified, then Creo Packages uses the default processing rules: all, latest, or no drawing rule.
Following are examples:
Default Package Export Location
You can specify a default location to export the package. If no default location is specified, the system default location (<start directory>/export) is used. Following are examples:
export.package.location =d:\\data\\packages
Secondary Content, Windchill Only
This option allows you to export the secondary content of the Creo Parametric data and is applicable for Windchill only. By default no secondary content is included in the package.
You can specify a list of secondary content categories along with extensions for export, separated by commas. For information about supported file types for exchanging secondary content, see Supported File and Object Types.
The following example specifies secondary content in a category:
When specifying a secondary content name, it has to be based on the internal name, and not the display name. This is to ensure that the category name does not depend on the locale of the client.
The internal name can be found at: <Windchill>/codebase/com/ptc/windchill/cadx/cfg/default/contentcat.ini
To specify extensions, use “any” or an asterisk (*).
Forms-based Authentication
If Creo Packages will be used with a Windchill server that uses forms-based authentication (FBA), you must set a preference on the Creo Packages client. In the wpc_preferences.txt file, set the preference as follows:
Block Export of Additional Attributes
If you have configured Creo Packages to export additional attributes, you can block the export of one or more of these attributes with the following preference:
List the values that you want to block. Use commas to separate multiple attributes. Valid values are the following:
ORGID—Organization ID
MASTER_IBA—Attribute for a master CAD document
Block Export of Attributes on Master CAD Documents
If you have configured Creo Packages to export attributes for master CAD documents, you can block the export of one or more of these attributes with the following preference:
List the values that you want to block. Use commas to separate multiple attributes.
For environments with bidirectional collaboration of these attributes, PTC recommends blocking export of the OWNERNAME attribute (export.pdmobject.master.iba.block= OWNERNAME). This attribute is populated on the target system during import, and has a different value from the attribute on the source system. For this reason, the attribute value is ignored during import.
Exporting CAD Objects and Dependents to Which You Do Not Have Access
If you do not have access to all of the objects that you want to export and their dependants, it is possible to export an incomplete package. The incomplete package contains the global ID for the CAD objects for which you do not have permission. To do this, you must set wpc.export.secured.version to true.
If this property is set true, you can export the global ID of the CAD objects for which you do not have permission. This is applicable only to non-accessible dependent CAD components.
If the wpc.export.secured.version property is set to false, and if you do not have read access to the objects you want to export and to their dependants, the export fails and an error message occurs.