엔터프라이즈 관리 > Windchill 내보내기 및 가져오기 > PTC Windchill PLM Connector - Creo Packages Administrator's and User's Guide(PTC Windchill PLM Connector - Creo 패키지 관리자 및 사용자 안내서) > Creo Packages > Exporting Packages > Conflict Handling and Resolution > Report Examples
Report Examples
This section contains examples of common export reports.
Failed Export Package Report
Failed General Report


Export report

PTC Windchill 10.2 PLM Connector - Creo Packages

Start date: June 10, 2009 1:07:34 PM

Package name: ft01113

User name: m1


Export conditions


Export preferences: C:\ptc\wpcb22\wpc_preferences.txt


Export recipe



name spr_1421559.prt

Overridable conflict file location:C:\PTC\wpcb22\bin\export_


End date: June 10, 2009 1:07:35 PM

Export status: Failed
Successful Export Package Report
Successful General Report


Export report

PTC Windchill 10.2 PLM Connector - Creo Packages

Start date: June 10, 2009 1:08:19 PM

Package name: ft01113

User name: m1


Export conditions


Export preferences: C:\ptc\wpcb22\wpc_preferences.txt


Export recipe



name spr_1421559.prt


Export summary


Objects exported: 1

Objects expected in the target system: 0

Reference information included: 0

Baseline created:/ADA/Product/PROD1/WPC_export_m1_20071010_130820


End date: June 10, 2009 1:09:21 PM

Export status: Completed successfully
Export Package Conflict Report
General Conflict Report

+++++++++++++++Export package conflicts+++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Export package status: Failed with conflicts

Report created on: June 10, 2009 1:07:35 PM

Export initiated by: : m1

Overridable conflict file location: C:\PTC\wpcb22\bin\export_


The following Object-level overridable conflicts occurred.



Description: The following object(s) are the first iteration of a
revision that is not the first in that revision sequence. You may
encounter a problem when you import these objects in Windchill and
intend to preserve the version information.

Possible resolution option(s): USE_LATEST_ON_PREVIOUS


Conflict objects Message

Overridable Conflict Report
Overridable Conflict Report

"#Overridable conflicts for export package."

"#Report created on: June 10, 2009 1:07:35 PM"

"#Export initiated by: : m1"

"#The following object(s) are the first iteration of a revision
that is not the first in that revision sequence. You may encounter
a problem when you import these objects in Windchill and intend
to preserve the version information. Possible resolution option(s):

"#Conflict Code","#Resolution","#File Name"