엔터프라이즈 관리 > Windchill 내보내기 및 가져오기 > PTC Windchill PLM Connector - Creo Packages Administrator's and User's Guide(PTC Windchill PLM Connector - Creo 패키지 관리자 및 사용자 안내서) > Creo Packages > Exporting Packages Using the Recipe Language > Using Syntax > Folder Location Syntax
Folder Location Syntax
The example shown below is the syntax for folder location:
<For default cabinet>

/<org name>/product | library/<product name>//folder1/folder2 \

/<org name>/product | library/<product name> # in case location
is directly under product or library

/<org name>//folder1/folder2 # in case location is directly
under org

/<org name> # in case location is directly under org (root folder)

//folder1/folder2 # in case location is directly under site

// # in case location is directly under site (root folder)

<For System cabinet>

/<org name>/product | library/<product name>/Cabinet:System//

/<org name>/product | library/<product name>/Cabinet:System
# in case location is directly under product or library

/<org name>/Cabinet:System//folder1/folder2 # in case
location is directly under org

/<org name>/Cabinet:System # in case location is directly
under org (root folder)

/Cabinet:System//folder1/folder2 # in case location is
directly under site

/Cabinet:System # in case location is directly under site
(root folder)