고급 사용자 정의 > Windchill 어댑터 > Windchill Adapter Webject Library > Adapter Webjects Overview
Adapter Webjects Overview
Action and query webject details valid for the Windchill adapter are listed below. Because display and task webjects are available for all adapters, they are described in the section Info*Engine User’s Guide. For more detailed syntax information, see the section Info*Engine User’s Guide.
For examples that show the use of the action and query webjects described in this topic, access the installed example set as described in Windchill Adapter Examples.
Before their descriptions, parameters are grouped in the following categories:
Required—The parameter is always required.
Interdependent—A relationship between the specified parameter and another parameter exists. For example, the DBUSER and PASSWD parameters are interdependent. If you specify the DBUSER parameter, then you must also specify the PASSWD parameter.
A parameter is also interdependent when there is a relationship between the values in the specified parameter and the use of another parameter. For example, in the Query-Links webject, the value entered for the SELECTBY parameter determines which SELECT_ parameters can be used. Therefore, both the SELECTBY and SELECT_ parameters are listed in the “Interdependent” column.
Optional—The parameter is always optional and is not related to another parameter.
JSPs using Info*Engine substitution syntax can no longer use the ${...} syntax. Info*Engine now supports an alternate syntax: $(...)
Pre-existing JSPs need to be updated to use the new $(...) syntax or they fail to compile and do not function as expected.
Pre-existing Info*Engine tasks continue to function as is and do not have to be changed. All Info*Engine tasks function with either $(...) or ${...}.
Action Webject Summary Descriptions
Action webjects perform specialized actions, such as creating and updating one or more Windchill objects.
Add content to Windchill business objects.
Apply a Windchill service method to one or more objects.
Modify attributes of an object that defines the object identity.
Check in objects to Windchill.
Check out objects from Windchill.
End the transaction and commit all changes to the database.
Create new associations between Windchill business objects.
Create a single object and save it in Windchill.
Create an instance of a single object, but does not save it in the database.
Delete content from Windchill business objects.
Delete Windchill business objects.
Emit a Windchill workflow event with optional parameters.
Release resources and rolls back open transactions associated with a session.
Move objects from their current folder to a new folder.
Purge user and group objects from the Windchill principal cache.
Advance the revision name of Windchill business objects.
Erase all changes made during a session from the database.
Create a session in which webjects are executed within transactions.
Start a transaction.
Start an instance of a workflow process.
Subscribe to a modeled event for specified instances of the class and for specified subscribers.
Release locks and changes associated with objects that were checked out.
Unsubscribe to a modeled event for specified instances of the class and for specified subscribers.
Update one or more Windchill objects.
Query Webject Summary Descriptions
Query webjects allow Info*Engine authors to implement solutions that query Windchill for information and traverse relationships between Windchill objects. For more information about Info*Engine, webjects, and tasks, see the section Info*Engine User’s Guide.
Return information about all versions of a Windchill object.
Describe the specified attributes for a modeled Windchill class.
Retrieve objects in a group referenced by specified attributes.
Execute a Windchill report template and return its results as an Info*Engine group.
Retrieve content from Windchill business objects.
Return the URLs of icons associated with a specified set of business objects.
Return a group specifying the life cycles of a set of business objects.
Return a group containing the Windchill configuration properties.
Queries indexed search for the indexed content of Windchill objects (if indexed search is enabled).
Return information about the previous iterations of a Windchill object.
Return the life cycle history of a specified Windchill object.
Query and return the content items for a specified Windchill object.
Return a list of business objects contained in a folder or cabinet
Navigate associations between Windchill business objects.
Find objects based on specific attribute values.
Navigate associations between Windchill business objects, producing a tree of related objects.
Return a group containing the display names for Windchill business object types and their descendants.
Provide federated search capability for searches against multiple types in a single query based on both modeled and instance-based attribute values.
Indicate if the user name and credentials specified are valid.
Return information about the previous versions of a Windchill object.
Common Webject Parameters
The following parameters apply to multiple webjects and have a common definition.
See the table under the “Parameters” section of each webject entry to verify whether a common parameter applies.
There are several additional parameters that are common between webjects, but which are defined differently depending on how the webject uses that parameter. Only parameters with a universal definition are described below.
The language preference and locale of Windchill attribute values and messages. This value determines the correct java.util.Locale used to process locale-sensitive input and output. ACCEPT_LANGUAGE can be used when the caller wants to override the automatic locale detection performed by Info*Engine.
Any locale-sensitive values are parsed and formatted using the locale corresponding to the language preference. The format is LN-CC-ds:
“LN” is a two character language identifier as defined by ISO and Internet standards (for example, en for English, fr for French, de for German)
“CC” is a two character country code as defined by ISO and Internet standards (for example, US for United States, FR for France, DE for Germany)
“ds” is a locally defined dialect identifier
You can omit the CC and ds components. Typically, the CC component is included, and the dialect string is omitted. Common examples are en-US, en-GB, fr-FR, de-DE, de-CH (German/Switzerland), it-IT (Italian).
This parameter is optional.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
The attributes to be returned in the output group for each object. Multiple values can be specified for this parameter. If this parameter is not specified, a default set of attributes is returned.
The default set of attributes is configured in the DefaultAttributes property value of the wt.adapter.delegates.properties file.
If a DefaultAttributes property is not defined, all attributes of all objects are returned. This parameter is optional.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
The ATTRIBUTE parameter has a unique definition for the following webjects:
A valid HTTP authorization header value. Only HTTP basic authentication is supported. If specified, this parameter serves as the source of the username and password to associate with the execution of the webject, and DBUSER and PASSWD are ignored. If credentials are not supplied through the AUTHORIZATION, DBUSER, and PASSWD parameters, then Info*Engine attempts to provide values for these parameters by way of its credentials mapping mechanism.
The parameter applies to all webjects
In a standard Windchill installation, request signing is always configured. This means that the server trusts the user name supplied to the webserver for authentication. This user name is used during webject invocation routed to Windchill, and the DBUSER, PASSWD, and AUTHORIZATION parameter values are ignored.
For more information about authentication and user authentication specifications, see the section Info*Engine User’s Guide.
The DBUSER webject specifies the user name to use when authenticating to Windchill. For this parameter to be applied, PASSSWD must also be specified.
If AUTHORIZATION is specified, DBUSER and PASSWD are ignored. If credentials are not supplied using the AUTHORIZATION, DBUSER, and PASSWD parameters, then Info*Engine attempts to provide values for these parameters by way of its credentials mapping mechanism.
The parameter applies to all webjects
The maximum number of times to attempt establishing a connection to an adapter before returning an error. The default value is 1. This parameter is optional.
If multiple INSTANCE parameter values are specified, the value of CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS defines the maximum number of times to iterate through the list of adapter instances.
This parameter is optional and applies to all webjects.
The amount of time, in seconds, to delay between connection attempts when connections to a Windchill system are failing. The default value is 60 seconds. This parameter is optional.
If multiple INSTANCE parameter values are specified, the value of CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL defines the number of seconds to wait between the attempts to iterate through the entire list of adapter instances.
This parameter is optional and applies to all webjects.
The name of an attribute to be included in the command filter of the underlying command executed by a webject. This parameter can be specified more than once to identify multiple attribute names to be included in the filter.
These are the attributes that are returned in database queries executed by the underlying command. In most cases, this set of attributes is combined with the set of attributes identified by ATTRIBUTE parameters. However, ATTRIBUTE parameters also determine the set of attributes returned in each element of a webject output group. DESCRIPTOR parameters help control the business object attributes that are selected from the database by Windchill commands executed by a webject.
This parameter is ignored when GROUP_FILTER is specified.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
Specifies whether each attribute returned in the output group for each object is formatted for the end user. If specified as TRUE, each attribute is formatted to return the display value. If specified as FALSE, the raw internal value of each attribute is returned.
The default for this parameter is TRUE. This parameter is optional.
For more information, see the Defining Delegates for Attribute Translation section under Custom Windchill Adapter Webjects.
This parameter is optional.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
The name of a group that contains a command filter (a command layer AttributeContainerSpec).
When this parameter is specified, it is assumed that the group it references contains exactly one element, and that element contains an attribute named command_filter. The value of the attribute is assumed to be an instance of the Java class com.ptc.core.meta.container.common.AttributeContainerSpec.
When this parameter is specified, the following parameters are ignored: DESCRIPTOR, INCLUDE_DESCRIPTORS, INCLUDE_CONSTRAINTS, INCLUDE_ARGS, and NEXT_OP.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
Specifies whether the underlying commands executed by a webject should include arguments for database filter attribute context functions in their results. Accepted values are TRUE or FALSE. The default for this parameter is FALSE. This parameter is ignored if GROUP_FILTER is specified.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
Specifies whether the underlying commands executed by a webject should apply constraint information. Accepted values are TRUE or FALSE. The default for this parameter is FALSE. This parameter is ignored if GROUP_FILTER is specified.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
Specifies whether the underlying commands executed by a webject should include DESCRIPTOR parameter values in their results. Accepted values are TRUE or FALSE. The default for this parameter is FALSE. This parameter is ignored when GROUP_FILTER is specified.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
Specifies the name of the Windchill adapter. You define the adapter name when you configure the adapter using the Info*Engine Property Administration utility. For more information, see Naming the Adapter in INSTANCE Parameters.
This parameter is required for all webjects.
Specifies the identifier of the next operation to be applied to the objects returned by a webject. This determines the constraints that are applied when INCLUDE_CONSTRAINTS is set to TRUE. This parameter is ignored when GROUP_FILTER is specified.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
Specifies the password to use when authenticating to the Windchill system. If the DBUSER parameter is specified, the PASSWD parameter must also be specified.
If AUTHORIZATION is specified, DBUSER and PASSWD are ignored. If credentials are not supplied using the AUTHORIZATION, DBUSER, and PASSWD parameters, then Info*Engine attempts to provide values for these parameters by way of its credentials mapping mechanism.
The parameter applies to all webjects
In a standard Windchill installation, request signing is always configured. This means that the server trusts the user name supplied to the web server for authentication. This user name is used during webject invocation routed to Windchill, and the DBUSER, PASSWD, and AUTHORIZATION parameter values are ignored.
For more information about authentication and user authentication specifications, see the section Info*Engine User’s Guide.
Specifies the delimiter used to separate attribute references. This parameter is optional.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
Specifies how a webject that can follow and expand references behaves when the user does not have access control permission to read the referenced objects. Valid values for this parameter are TRUE and FALSE.
If a user does not have permission to read a referenced object, then:
If FORMAT is specified as TRUE and REFERENCE_EXCEPTIONS is specified as TRUE, an access control exception is thrown.
If FORMAT is specified as TRUE and REFERENCE_EXCEPTIONS is specified as FALSE, the string “Secured Information” (or a similar string) is displayed as the value of the referenced object.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
The delimiter used to separate attribute references when generating output. The default value is the value of REFERENCE_DELIMITER. This parameter is optional.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
The identifier of the session in which the webject is executed.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
This parameter is optional for most webjects, but is required for the following webjects:
A data type (specified as a fully qualified Java class name, for example java.sql.Timestamp) that should remain unformatted when FORMAT=true. This is a multi-valued parameter. This parameter is optional.
This parameter does not apply to all webjects. Check the “Parameters” table under each webject description.
Specifies whether a search is sensitive to case. The default for this parameter is FALSE, meaning the search is case-insensitive. Specify TRUE to make the search case-sensitive.
This parameter is only specified if WHERE is also specified.