고급 사용자 정의 > Windchill 어댑터 > Configuring the Windchill Adapter
Configuring the Windchill Adapter
The following topics describe using the Info*Engine Property Administration utility and setting your logging preferences.
Setting the Windchill JNDI Adapter Properties
Adapter properties are maintained as attribute-value pair entries in JSON files.
Use the Info*Engine Property Administration utility to add or modify existing Info*Engine adapter service entries.
To launch the Info*Engine Property Administration utility, log on to Windchill as an administrator and navigate to Site > Utilities. Under System Administration, click the Info*Engine Administration link.
For general information about using the Info*Engine Property Administration utility, see Info*Engine Administration Utility.
1. To create a new adapter entry, select Create Entry > Windchill Adapter from the Info*Engine Property Administration main page.
2. Enter values for the required fields.
Most forms include the following set of common fields:
Service Name
Distinguished Name
Runtime Service Name
When the form opens, the Property Administration utility populates the Service Name, Distinguished Name, and Runtime Service Name fields with suggested names.
Service Class
Service Class contains the service class name used for the adapter.
The Windchill adapter operates as both a native Info*Engine adapter and an Info*Engine server.
As an adapter, it acts as both an in-process and an out-of-process adapter. Consequently, you must specify both the Service Class and the Host and Port values.
When running in a multiple method server environment, the Windchill adapter configuration is automatically updated to use a port range of equivalent size to that in use by Windchill RMI communications (as configured by the wt.method.minPort and wt.method.maxPort wt.property values). These entries are created and deleted as necessary upon system startup to coincide with the current configuration.
When in a multiple method server environment, all Info*Engine property configurations for the Windchill adapter should reside exclusively in the base Windchill adapter property entry. This is the entry whose ptcServiceName matches the value of the wt.federation.ie.VMName wt.property value. No redundant Windchill adapter configuration entries should be manually modified.
3. Set any remaining properties as appropriate for your site. For a description of the remaining properties, see the section Windchill Adapter Properties.
4. Click Create Adapter when finished.
For more information about properties and creating adapter entries, see the following help topics:
Common Properties and Actions defines common properties used in most adapter forms.
Performing Info*Engine Administration Activities provides detailed instructions on using the Property Administration utility, including editing adapter forms.
Entering Your LDAP Settings describes the configuration settings performed during the Windchill installation process.
Windchill Adapter Properties
The Windchill adapter properties form is comprised of common properties and properties specific to the adapter.
For information about common properties, click the help icon available from the Windchill adapter property form or see Common Properties and Actions.
General Properties
To specify general properties, use the following fields:
Home Directory
The Info*Engine root installation directory. The root installation directory for Info*Engine is the same as the root installation directory for Windchill (wt.home).
Load Balancer
The load balancer implementation that Info*Engine clients should use when communicating with the Windchill adapter. This value is typically set to wt.adapter.LoadBalancer, which leverages Windchill RMI in a multi-method server environment to select the best method server to process the next request.
A string used to sign and validate requests sent to the adapter. The value you enter acts as a password and is used to authenticate your request.
This property is not required, but adds additional security to the LDAP entry. If you enter a value, the out-of-process adapter name specified in the webject INSTANCE parameter must identify an LDAP entry that has this secret password set.
Secret 2
Another string used to sign and validate requests sent to the adapter. This property generates a more comprehensive request signature, and can be used instead of or in addition to the Secret property.
Secret Algorithm
The algorithm used to encrypt the values of the Secret and Secret 2 properties.
Valid values are SHA-1, MD2, and MD5. The default for this property is SHA-1. The default value is SHA-1.
Default JMS Service
The name of the JMS service that should be used for any MSG and WES webjects that are invoked without a SERVICE parameter.
Core JMS Properties
The following properties are commonly set when configuring Info*Engine with a Java Messaging Service (JMS). Property descriptions are grouped based on the location of the properties in the form and the function they perform.
When configuring Info*Engine with a JMS MOM, it is best to instead create a new JMS service entry. You can specify core and additional properties using the property editor for that JMS service entry.
You can then enter the service name of that JMS service as the SERVICE parameter for MSG and WES webjects. Or you can enter it as the value of the Default JMS Service property for the Info*Engine server or adapter.
JMS Context Provider Factory
The class name of the factory used to return the initial JNDI context during administered object lookup. If not specified, it is assumed administered objects are stored in the LDAP.
The default value is com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.
The LDAP Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) to which JMS-related URIs are relative.
This serves as a base location where JMS-related administered objects can be found.
JMS Base URI Principal
The username provided to authenticate the associated JNDI user to the JMS Base URI.
JMS Base URI Password
The password associated with the JMS Base URI Principal.
JMS User
The default user associated with the JMS provider or MOM.
JMS Password
The default password used to connect to the JMS provider or MOM.
Queue Connection Factory
The location of an administered JMS queue connection factory used by the JMS MOM.
Topic Connection Factory
The location of an administered JMS topic connection factory. This value can be a fully qualified URI or can be a distinguished name relative to a configured base URI.
WES Subscription Identifier
Unique identifier used when creating topic subscriptions. Set this property if multiple Info*Engine processes on a single host want to generate a subscription to the same topic.
Each separate Info*Engine service must have its own unique identifier. If this property is not specified, an identifier is generated based on the host name and event name.
JMS Library Directory
The directory in which the third-party JAR files required to communicate with a JMS service are located. If the JAR files are already included in the service classpath, this property is optional.
Additional JMS Properties
The following properties can also be set when configuring Info*Engine with a JMS service. Property descriptions are grouped based on the location of the properties in the form and the function they perform.
JMS Recovery Retry Interval
The amount of time in seconds to wait between attempts to re-establish a connection if the MOM becomes disconnected.
The default value is 30.
JMS Bad Message Queue
If a message is received that cannot be translated into an Info*Engine request, this property defines the queue where the message is placed for an administrator to handle. If this property is not defined, the bad message is discarded.
WES Context Provider Factory
The class name of the factory used to return the Windchill initial context during administered object lookup.
The default value is com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.
The LDAP Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) (a subtree within an LDAP directory) where WES-related administered objects can be found.
If not specified, the jms.baseUri property is used.
WES User
The WES username that should be provided when connecting to a JMS MOM.
If not specified, the jms.username property is used.
WES Password
The password associated with WES User.
If not specified, the jms.password property is used.
WES Bad Message Queue
If a message is received that cannot be translated into an Info*Engine request, this property defines the queue where the message is placed for an administrator to handle. If this property is not defined, the bad message is discarded.
If not specified, the jms.badMessageQueue property is used.
MSG Context Provider Factory
The class name of the factory used to return the initial JNDI context during administered object lookup.
The default value is com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.
Queue Base URI
The LDAP Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) (a subtree within an LDAP directory) where queue-related administered objects can be found.
If not specified, the jms.baseUri property is used.
Queue User
The username that should be provided when connecting to a JMS MOM.
If not specified, the jms.username property is used.
Queue Password
The password associated with Queue User.
If not specified, the jms.password property is used.
MSG Bad Message Queue
If a message is received that cannot be translated into an Info*Engine request, this property defines the queue where the message is placed for an administrator to handle. If this property is not defined, the bad message is discarded.
If not specified, the jms.badMessageQueue property is used.
Default Subscribe/Submit Queue
The LDAP distinguished name of an administered queue. The value can be an LDAP distinguished name relative to a configured base URI or a fully qualified LDAP distinguished name. If relative, the cn= (common name attribute) is implicit if not explicitly specified.
This queue location is used with the following webjects:
Queue-Task—The location where queued tasks are placed. If this property is not specified, the webject QUEUE parameter must be specified.
Subscribe-Queue—The queue to subscribe to when using the webject. If this property is not specified, the webject QUEUE parameter must be specified.
Default Results Queue
The LDAP distinguished name of an administered queue. The value can be an LDAP distinguished name relative to a configured base URI or a fully qualified LDAP distinguished name. If relative, the cn= (common name attribute) is implicit if not explicitly specified.
This queue location is used with the following webjects:
Query-Results—The queue location where results are placed. If this property is not specified, the webject QUEUE parameter must be specified.
Delete-Results—The queue location where results are placed. If this property is not specified, the webject QUEUE parameter must be specified.
Queue-Task—The queue location where results are placed. If this property is not specified, the webject DESTINATION parameter must be specified.