설치 및 업그레이드 > 업그레이드 안내서 > Troubleshooting
This section lists the possible errors and solutions for them for when you are upgrading your Windchill installation.
During upgrade of Windchill PDMLink the following error is displayed:wt.fv.FvFileAlreadyExists.
Verify that the Upgrade Manager is not writing to a vault, which is actively in use by a different Windchill PDMLink installation
During a rehearsal upgrade ensure to use the Configure Different File Vault Host Information option, so that the Upgrade Manager is not writing to the production vaults.
This option only updates the fvhost table.
Upgrade Manager does not modify any vault mount paths.
Do no update any vault mount paths which are based on UNC paths and continue to reference the host name specified in the UNC path.
Alternatively, redirect network traffic at the operating system level so that Upgrade Manager can still refer to the same hostnames, but those hostnames resolve to different IP addresses.
Verify that after an upgrade rehearsal, the vaults are reverted to a pre-upgrade state.
Remove files listed in error message from file vaults.
If the vault is also being used by a different Windchill PDMLink installation, the files listed in the error might have already been deleted/cleaned up by the other installation and hence cannot be found.
Update Container Templates task fails with the error:
wt.fv.FvFileCanNotBeStored: java.io.FileNotFoundException
Copy missing vault contents.
Ensure that the Upgrade Manager tool running on target can access the source machine when option Keep existing file vault host information from source database is selected.
Ensure that the vaults are copied to the identical paths on the new file vault host when option Configure different file vault host information is selected.
ListUnreferencedFiles WinDU returns the following error in Windchill PDMLink:
A commit cannot be done when a rollback is in progress
Ensure that you are running one single Windchill instance at a time.
When updating Vaults and File Servers during upgrade of Windchill PDMLink the following error is thrown:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (FVHOST$HOSTNAME) violated.
Backup the FVHOST table.
Delete the row for SERVER B (File Vault Host).
Restart the Upgrade Manager.
Upgrade Manager fails at the Update Container Templates phase on the task Split Manage Security UI Component (UIC) into Edit Access Control and Edit Security Labels UICs in Context Templates in Windchill PDMLink.
Clone all source vaults configuration to target upgrading environment.
Only for test upgrade, as a workaround you can create the location and dummy files mentioned in the Upgrade Manager log file.
Upgrade Manager fails with the following error in Windchill PDMLink:
Cannot restore wt.fv.FvHost.XXXXXXXX because it no longer exists
1. Execute SQL scripts to identify if orphan entries are still referenced to fvmount and rootmount for which the host name has been removed from the fvhost table.
Select count(*) from fvmount where ida3b5=<ida2a2 value of fvhost reported in upgrademanagerlog>;
Select count(*) from rootmount where ida3a5=<ida2a2 value of fvhost reported in upgrademanagerlog>;
2. If rows exist, contact PTC Technical Support for how to fix data by running the below SQL scripts:
a. Create table fvmount_bkp as select * from fvmount;
b. Create table rootmount_bkp as select * from rootmount;
c. Delete from fvmount where ida3b5=<ida2a2 value of fvhost reported in upgrademanagerlog>;
d. Delete from rootmount where ida3a5=<ida2a2 value of fvhost reported in upgrademanagerlog>;
e. Commit;
3. Re-run the Upgrade Manager.
There are multiple master vault Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) in Current File Vault Host section of Vaults and File Servers tab in Upgrade Manager in Windchill PDMLink.
Remove the superfluous rows from the fvhost table.
Manual Installation of CcsDsu.zip fails on the File Server (Replica).
1. Check that Windchill Directory Service (Aphelion or Windchill DS) is running.
2. If Windchill Directory Service is running, try if connection can be established.
3. Verify that hostname to IP address resolution is correct.
4. Check in <Windchill_Home>\codebase\wt.properties that the following properties have correct values:
5. Check if <JAVA_Home>\bin\java.exe was modified such as java_ds.exe.
6. Ensure that the Directory Service is configured to use the LDAP protocol. A Directory Service with only the LDAPs protocol enabled causes an error message as the protocol is hard coded in the installer suite.
7. Reconfigure WindchillInfo*Engine properties to use LDAP instead of LDAPs.
Automatic File Server update process fails after Windchill PDMLink update.
Restart the Windchill service on the File Server or manually apply the CcsDsu updates using the procedure described in article CS37736.
Creating Replica CD zip file fails with the following error in Windchill PDMLink:
Error while analyzing CD install image
Remove the space character from the path of the source media.
Replace the underscore with dot for arguments in the Ant command.
WinDU report ListInaccessibleContent task as potential problem in Windchill PDMLink.
Run the RemoveInaccessibleContent WinRU task.
File Server CCS update process completely disables PSM 4.0 DynaTrace agent setup on file servers in Windchill PDMLink.
1. Reinject the missing psm.properties.xconf in declarations.xconf on the impacted replica.
2. Propagate and restart Windchill.
For example, add <ConfigurationRef xlink:href="codebase/psm.properties.xconf"/> to <Windchill>/declarations.xconf and then run xconfmanager -p.
PTC Solution Installer incorrectly shows Install Optional Components during remote file server update in Windchill.
Ignore this option and do not attempt to add optional components to a remote file server.
For additional information on updating remote file servers during a maintenance release update, see the section "Updating Third-Party Products used on a Remote File Server" in the Read This First documentation for the maintenance release in question.
CCSDsu.zip on a file server or PSI installation fails in Windchill PDMLink.
In Windchill shell execute the following command to increase the memory size. For example, to increase the memory size to 2048 MB use the following command:
xconfmanager -s "wt.env.ANT_OPTS=-Xmx2048m" -t codebase/wt.properties -p
Fields for entering file server URL are missing in the upgrade manager in Windchill PDMLink.
Use the Manually configure file servers post upgrade option when there is no file server configured.
File Server installation fails with the following error in Windchill PDMLink:
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment
1. Open a bash terminal and set the following environment property in your active shell:
$ export LD_BIND_NOW=1
2. Restart the PSI using the setup file.