전문 관리 > Windchill 환경 구성 > Using Windchill Configuration Assistant to Configure Windchill > Running the Windchill Configuration Assistant > Assistant Propagation Property Setting
Assistant Propagation Property Setting
When you propagate recommended property value settings in any of the following ways, the Windchill Configuration Assistant sets a property in wt.properties that identifies when the propagation took place:
Execute the configure or configureWindchill target with the -Dpropagate=true argument set on the ant command.
Execute the propagate or propagateWindchill target.
After successfully propagating values, the Windchill Configuration Assistant adds the com.ptc.windchill.wca.buildDate property to wt.properties if it does not exist or updates the com.ptc.windchill.wca.buildDate property value. The value of the property is date of the propagation in the following format:
For example if the propagation occurred on 13 July 2009 at 10:01:32 AM, then the following property is set in wt.properties:
For information on how to propagate values, see Ant Command Syntax for Running the Assistant.