전문 관리 > Windchill 환경 구성 > Using Windchill Configuration Assistant to Configure Windchill > Windchill Configuration Assistant Essentials > Affected Files
Affected Files
The following files are affected by Windchill Configuration Assistant.
Windchill Property Files
The Windchill Configuration Assistant can recommend changes to values in the following property files:
The calculated values for properties in these files are then used when the assistant propagates the recommendations.
MBean Configuration Files
The Windchill Configuration Assistant can update the following MBean configuration files:
Method server MBean configuration file (<Windchill>/codebase/WEB-INF/methodServerMBeanConfig.xml).
The file contains properties that persist method server MBean changes made through JMX clients (such as JConsole or VisualVM). When the method server starts, it loads the values stored in this file.
Windchill Configuration Assistant makes a copy of this file when configuring Windchill and then replaces the file contents with the Windchill Configuration Assistant intermediate copy when propagating changes.
Server manager MBean configuration file (<Windchill>/codebase/WEB-INF/serverManagerMBeanConfig.xml).
This file contains properties that persist server manager MBean changes made through JMX clients (such as JConsole or VisualVM). When the server manager starts, it loads the values stored in this file.
Windchill Configuration Assistant uses the JMX-Administrators list stored in the file when configuring Windchill and can replace JMX-Administrators list with an updated list when propagating changes.
For details on how the Windchill Configuration Assistant uses the files, see Ant Command Syntax for Running the Assistant.
For information about JMX MBeans, see Using Java Management Extensions (JMX).
To save property changes, the Windchill Configuration Assistant uses the windchillconfigurator.xconf file that is located in the <Windchill>/utilities/wca/conf directory. As part of the Windchill Configuration Assistant installation, the ConfigurationRef element (which links the windchillconfigurator.xconf file to the site.xconf file) is added to the site.xconf file.
Embedded Servlet Engine Files
The Windchill Configuration Assistant can recommend changes to the mode property value in the following Embedded Servlet Engine file:
where <Windchill> is the Windchill installation directory.
The recommended value for the mode property in this file is then used when the assistant executes ant commands against the corresponding Embedded Servlet Engineconfig.xml file.
The Embedded Servlet Engineconfig.xml target makes changes to the <Windchill>/tomcat/conf/web.xml file.