전문 관리 > Windchill 환경 구성 > Using Windchill Configuration Assistant to Configure Windchill > Running the Windchill Configuration Assistant > General Procedure for Running the Assistant
General Procedure for Running the Assistant
Use the following steps to set up the required Windchill environment and run the Windchill Configuration Assistant.
1. Start a windchill shell for the Windchill system that you are configuring. Working within the windchill shell sets up your environment correctly.
For example, on a Windows system where Windchill program shortcuts have been created, navigate to Start > All Programs and select Windchill Shell from the Windchill menu.
Otherwise, from a command prompt, navigate to the <Windchill>/bin directory and enter:
windchill shell
2. Navigate to the directory containing WindchillConfigAssistant.xml.
This file is located in the <Windchill>/utilities/wca directory.
3. Enter an ant command to execute the required target defined in WindchillConfigAssistant.xml file, as described in the next section, Ant Command Syntax for Running the Assistant, and respond to any prompts that display.
All activity is reported in the command window and a record of the activity is stored in the log file that is generated. When the assistant successfully completes its activities, it displays messages similar to the following:
!+! FINISHED @ Thu Jan 20 11:14:28 CST 2011
!+! Log: <Windchill>\Windchill\buildlogs\0001-WindchillConfigAssistant.log

Total time: 5 minutes 40 seconds
For log file details, see Windchill Configuration Assistant Log Files.