전문 관리 > 시스템 및 비즈니스 정보 분석 > Sending System Information to Technical Support > Actions that Send System Information
Actions that Send System Information
When you complete any of the following actions, Windchill gathers system information and sends it:
Using the Collect, save, and send option and the Send to PTC Technical Support button that are available from the System Configuration Collector. You can access the System Configuration Collector from Site > Utilities.
For details, see System Configuration Collector.
Using the Support MBean.
Running the wt.util.jmx.TechSuppportMain command line utility.
Using other MBean operations that have the following operation naming convention:
where XXXX is the type of information being sent.
For example, sendHeapDumpToSupport() sends the heap dump information.
When there are multiple nodes configured on your system, system information is gathered from each node.
By default, all of the actions send system information that is gathered to PTC Technical Support. For the available sending options, see Options for Where System Information Is Sent.
The following sections provide additional details on some of the actions.
Using the Support MBean to Send System Information
If you have access to a JMX client, you can send system information using the Support MBean.
The server status information sent using the Support MBean includes MBean dumps from server managers and method servers across the cluster (when nodes are accessible); otherwise, only the local server manager and method server MBean dumps are sent. Additionally, the log files within specific directories targeted by LogsDirViewer MBeans are sent. Out of the box, log files from the Windchill logs directory and the Apache logs directory are sent.
For information on using JMX clients and Windchill MBeans, see Using Java Management Extensions (JMX).
Using the TechSupportMain Command to Send System Information
Windchill provides the wt.util.jmx.TechSuppportMain command line utility for sending server status information. If your Windchill solution is running, the server status information sent using the TechSupportMain utility includes MBean dumps from server managers and method servers across the cluster (when nodes are accessible); otherwise, only the local server manager and method server MBean dumps are sent. Additionally, the log files within specific directories targeted by LogsDirViewer MBeans are sent. Out of the box, log files from the Windchill logs directory and the Apache logs directory are sent.
If your Windchill solution is not running, the server status information sent using the TechSupportMain utility is a subset of what is sent when your solution is running. For example, information on running processes or on the number of active users cannot be sent. Additionally, to send information about all of the nodes in a cluster when your solution is not running, you must execute the utility from each node.
To run the TechSupportMain utility, open a windchill shell on the main server (if Windchill is running) or on each server in the cluster (if Windchill is not running) and enter a command similar to the following:
java wt.util.jmx.TechSupportMain <call_number>
where <call_number> is the number of an open PTC Technical Support call.