엔터프라이즈 관리 > Windchill Scheduler
Windchill Scheduler
The Windchill Scheduler is an internal service used by different Windchill services to schedule execution of certain tasks. Tasks can be run once or periodically, and can be scheduled for a particular time or immediately after the scheduling takes place. Typical scheduled tasks involve external vaulting and content replication.
Scheduled tasks are executed using the Windchill queue service, which allows the inheritance of the advantages of the background processing. For instance, if the background method server is used, scheduled tasks will be running in it.
The Windchill Scheduler service keeps the log of each executed task in history objects that contain the current and historical status information. For example, if you are scheduling revaulting and you select schedule items and click Log, history objects supply the data that appears in the Revaulting History window.
Windchill Scheduler Automatic Removal of History Items
The Windchill Scheduler periodically removes history items older than a specified number of days. For example, old history items no longer appear in the Revaulting History window and Content Replication Jobs table, and data about them is not stored.
The following properties in the wt.properties file control the cleanup process and the lifetime of the history items:
Controls whether history items are periodically cleaned up. Its value is true or false. The value true enables the cleanup, and the value false disables the cleanup.
Specifies the number of days between the history item cleanup operations.
Specifies the age in days of the items that are purged. The default value is 30 days.
Other Properties
Other properties related to Windchill Scheduler operations are the following:
Specifies whether to run the Windchill Scheduler in verbose mode. The default is false.
Specifies whether to print Windchill Scheduler-specific properties on startup.