전문 관리 > Windchill 환경 구성 > Configuring Windchill Performance Advisor > Windchill Performance Advisor Queue Details > Failed Performance Advisor Queue Entries
Failed Performance Advisor Queue Entries
When the WAReportCreationManager queue entries that are used for tracking the creation of a Performance Advisor report fail, the failure is logged and the entry is cleaned up. The cleanup occurs when one of the subsequent attempts succeeds or when the queue entry is rescheduled as per the applicable frequency.
If you cannot determine why the send operation failed, contact PTC Technical Support.
During regular maintenance, you can delete failed entries as part of your cleanup process. Do not delete the WAReportCreationManager entry that has a Ready status.
Since the System Configuration Collector does not use queues for generating and sending Performance Advisor reports, a queue failure in the automated process for sending a Performance Advisor report may not necessarily affect your ability to send a Performance Advisor report when using the System Configuration Collector.