전문 관리 > 사이트 유지 관리 > Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) > Using MBeans to View and Email Log Files
Using MBeans to View and Email Log Files
The LogsDirViewers node allows you to view and email logs.
From JConsole, complete the following steps to email all logs in the <Windchill>/logs directory:
1. Start JConsole and select the connection for the server manager.
2. Select com.ptc from the tree.
3. Open the LogsDirViewers node.
4. Select wt.logs.dir > Operations.
5. To email all log files:
a. Locate the emailFiles button.
b. Enter the recipient addresses and subject information in the fields next to the button.
By default, the oneMessagePerFile field is set to true. To send one email containing all log files, type false in the field, which is located to the right of the subject field.
c. Click emailFiles.
To view and email a specific log file:
1. Start JConsole and select the desired process.
2. Select com.ptc from the tree.
3. Open the LogsDirViewers node from the tree.
4. Select wt.logs.dir > Operations.
5. Click Refresh. This creates an entry under wt.logs.dir node representing each log file stored in <Windchill>/logs.
6. Select the log file you want to view from the wt.logs.dir node.
7. Select the Operations node.
8. To view the log file, click viewFile from the right pane.
9. To email the log file:
a. Locate the emailFile button.
b. Enter the recipient address and subject information in the fields next to the button.
c. Click emailFile.